Monday, October 3, 2011

Doodle #142

I'm writing this update from my phone. Currently engulfed by this massive headache and light-headedness. I think it's due to the incredibly long hours of uni today.

Today marked the first day back at Monash. I wouldn't say that it's been the best. It's certainly been stressful. The moment I got home I just collapsed onto my cough, set my alarm to 5:30, and went to sleep.

Woke up at 6:00pm, so much for a short nap before my jog. I feel so drained. Felt like I got smacked across the head with a bat, or close enough. I hate the feeling of oversleeping. :/

That aside, my confidence has been eroded. I'm starting to doubt my convictions towards my attitude on studying. I mean, why work so hard? I've failed to live up to my own expectations and standards on almost all occasions in the second semester.

Which brings about the question, "Why strive so hard to achieve perfection, when all you get is having the door slammed into your face every time?" Yet despite this, we've all had to pick ourselves up, and carry on, repeating the cycle again and again.

My latest resolve? Procrastinate till the very last moment, for that's when my best work is written.

This paragraph's written after I got onto my comp, only this.
It's hard to put it in words. Even more so when you're uncertain of what exactly you're feeling right now. The first thought to strike my mind is regret. Regret for the things I never did. I should have tried harder, much much harder. Studies had never been my forte. Then again, after some thought, I realized that nothing is my forte. Just another shadow, in the endless sea of faces. TEEHEES.

Screw deadlines la please.

On a side note, I hate people who scream onto their phone when they speak. Blardy hell, can you stfu or not? I don't need to hear every word you say wth. Giving me a dam headache.


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