Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Doodle #47 : Plundered

For what it's worth, it'll always be a memory.

I'd like to start this post on a lighter note. I'm progressing into the end of Week 4 for my B.Pharm course. It's been good really. My peers are an interesting bunch, and there hasn't been a single dull day since the course began. Of course, not taking into account some of the lectures we've to sit through. I realized I never really got into the details of what I've to learn so I shall do so in this post.

Firstly, there's Physiology.
In other words, a unit dedicated to the processes within the human body, etc. In short, it's Biology. Macromolecules, biochemistry, cells and tissue, gene replication, you know the drill. I've a notion that this will be one of my lower scoring units. I never got along with Biology.

Then, there's Organic Chemistry.
It's safe to say that I feel completely at home with this unit. Sure, there's the occasional bouts of overconfidence as I scoff at what we've to learn. I realize that. Now, I find myself stumbling in Chemistry. It's the first time I've felt this way since I was first introduced to the subject back in high school, where I would fail almost every exam. It's a good change though, I'm finally getting into the good stuff. Aromatic compounds and whatnot. I've a lot of catching up to do to regain that confidence I once exuded. On the bright side, it's a challenge I'm psyched to take up. :)

Next, Physicochemical basis of Pharmacology. (I think that's what it's called)
Yes, I know my units THAT well. Never really took note of what the unit is called but basically, it comprises of several sections. Maths, Ionic Equilibrium, Acids and Bases, etc. It's like a mash-up of Chemistry and Mathematics. A challenging unit nevertheless, I've my work cut out for me.

Finally, my fourth unit for the first semester, Pharmacy, Health and Society.
Otherwise, HISTORY and LAW. Nuff' said.

Frankly, I really like the fact that my intake is a small group. 51 of us together for the next 4 years. :)

That aside, I've been trying to write again. It hasn't been a successful attempt. I've yet to find my spark after it's been snuffed out. Here goes,

Blinded by vehemence,
Rage and fury renders the soul sightless,
Conviction came to naught as prudence vanished,
Ardor and abhorrence waged a war within.

What have we become?
We sought to conquer the world,
Only fragments of what once was remains,
A stagnant reminder that nothing is ever perpetual.

Anguish returns me to darker times,
I long for the sight of your lifeless vessel,
Plundered of life,
As you have plundered mine.

A far cry from my previous style of writing.

Note, I'm merely channeling out thoughts of what was an inadequate end. It wasn't justified, no it wasn't.

As of now, I'm enjoying life. :)

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