Monday, August 29, 2011

Doodle #128 : Holiday Season

So it comes again.

Selamat Hari Raya to all my fellow Malaysians, take in some of that festive air! (:

For the next 3 days, I'll be on break, 3 public holidays. Classes resume on Friday. I think it's pretty sad to be a university student now. Everybody gets the week off yet you've classes on Monday and Friday. Then again, it's not like I've anywhere else to be during the holiday season.

I'm proud to say that I've finished both my Blood report and Human Behavior assignment and handed both in today. *smiles* That leaves me with only my Oral Presentation slides left to touch up. No rush though, it's due next Friday. Oh, the joy of finishing work early. :)

I took part in a Psychology research today. A friend from the School of Psy told me about this research that was being conducted so I thought why not give it a shot? Help out. Hehh. Haha rofl. It was pretty simple stuff really. Just describe your happy / sad experiences with both success and failure in a very casual Q&A style interview. Having said that, I realized that I haven't really been doing much with my life.

I had virtually no clear recollection of any happy memories or telltale stories of success, save for one. The only time I truly felt proud of something I've achieved is to be able to make the requirement for B.Pharm at Monash last year, having received my AUSMAT results. :) Academically, that was it. I never stood out as a brilliant student nor did I actively participate in any student council, but I had friends who did. *winkwink*

Socially, you know the gist of it. Been pretty much invisible to almost everyone I knew. I was always there, yet I wasn't. Maybe that's caused most of the people I used to know to drift apart, having lost contact with them for so long. But I had reason for that. Though maybe it was only a scapegoat for my laziness to keep those ties strong.

Yeap, that was quite the self-reflecting session. Followed up by some cognitive tests. :D *teehee* I was to solve some puzzles, guessing the minimum moves I could take to solve it. Pretty simple stuff really. Only remember 2 stupid errors due to miscalculation. There was this test for working memory too, it's a form of short term memory. Kinda like how you play those pick 2 coins to reveal the images behind them. If they match, the coins stay flipped but if they don't, then they'll turn back over. You know la... Blasted through it. 8D

Then I had to stare at nothing but numbers for the next 5 minutes. Breathed a sigh of relief as I finished the test. So now I guess I'll be waiting to see the results of the research once it is published. :D

Btw, it was a research to see the influence of one's life experiences on their social and cognitive abilities.

I guess today was a pretty ordinary day. Nothing much to really highlight besides that.

There was also a slight brush with security for some of us. ;)

Apart from that, it's just the usual day. Time to just.. Stone. Waiting for Heroes to load. I've decided to rewatch everything from scratch. TEEHEE. Currrently at S1E5 :)

Kinoc, out.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Music Montage #3!

Today's post, Tuesday Morning by Michelle Branch. :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Doodle #127 : Immature

I really don't think I'm acting my age. Despite being 19 already, I probably still have the mentality of a 16 year old. It's not just me being young at heart, no. I've yet to learn what there is to life. I'm too caught up in my self-delusional wants to see the bigger picture.

Sometimes I just feel like I get this epiphany. A sudden realization of great truth. It never ceases to amaze me, how some of my friends speak as though they're already been through the tougher hardships in life. When they speak, you can't help but notice the mature intonation used


Yet, here I am. Still a kid. Still so full of myself. One of my friends said the time will come for me to achieve a realization. Maybe it'll come soon. I shouldn't be so preoccupied with what life offers me, but what I can offer with life.

I want to be part of something larger than myself. To have a purpose.

Right now, I just want to get a place in the exchange. To achieve it, it'll take me two solid years of dedication and hard work. Being as incompetent and unfocused as I am, I can only hope this dying resolve of mine is enough to pull me through.

Flip the switch, let my other side show. For all this side of me is concerned with is self indulgence, nothing more. Exuberance will be shielded from the outside world, till the day comes that it'll show itself again.

For the moment, it's time to resign to my work. I'll try to complete as much as I can without being the freeloader I usually am. I take pride in my work, in getting a job well done.

'cause that's all I have left to live for.

Ramblings of a university student.

Kinoc, out.

Doodle #126 : Life Gen

So I was invited by Jean to LifeGen. It was the inaugural LifeGeneration event for her church which would be held on the final Friday of every month. It was at Subang Jaya, or SS13 to be exact. Heading over to the place, I felt rather skeptical, of the location.

This was the entrance. It was but one long dark road all the way to the end, where it was lighted by this sign. It says Life Point by the way. Sure enough, I found myself facing a guardhouse as I turned the corner. I paused for a bit just staring at it when the bar just lifted and opened the path for me. I thought to myself "Okay, so this has to be the right place then!" and went in.

The place was pretty nice, and I just realized I didn't take a single snapshot of the place.




Moving on...

Met Jeffrey upon entering, and some other people as well. Jean had to go practice so I sat about just.. Mingling? Haha.

Go Jean!

We had arrived pretty early for the preparations and stuff, so there was a bit of time to spare before the actual event began.

Jean with her friend, Jia. :D

Time for things to get underway. Found ourselves seated in the second row. I'd estimate the crowd to be around 30-ish people.

Worship songs. TEEHEE.

Then some speeches and stuff. You know, the usual things.

Jean's cousin! Hahaha.

The youth pastor gave this really.. inspiring speech. Felt somewhat moved. Heh.

Managed to pick up some goodies from the night. The t-shirt cost RM15 but it's nice, somewhat. I remember describing the one in blue as some water brand advertisement shirt. LifeGen does sound rather like a brand of H2O, don't you agree? Hahaha. Blue for drinking water and green for mineral water. I got green! Go green! :D Heh. The small notepad shaped book is actually a whole bunch of Post-It Notes bundled into one pack. Pretty awesome. Then there's the standard notebook on the right. Card on the left was directions given to me by Jean.

Won't go into much details regarding event. Just a brief overview. I was never a good narrative writer.

Well, having been to several churches, I really like this place. True, it isn't as big as some of the places I've been to (ie. CHC) but it has this homey feel to it. Everyone was so friendly, met some new people. I felt really good to be there. I'm actually contemplating on going again. Hahaha. :)

Well, that's bout it I guess. Time to just.. reflect on everything I guess. It won't be soon before long. I feel the end already.

Kinoc, out.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Doodle #125

Well, today's presentation went rather well. Although I had no role whatsoever in the presentation today I did a run through of my slides, presenting everything just for the heck of it. Jamie said I spoke super fast. Fine, so maybe my impromptu presentations will always be sped through unless I consciously slow myself down.

Other than that, the day passed rather monotonously. Went to the labs to finish off the second half of my Blood practical. Jotted down some notes and stuff. Will probably get to writing up my report tomorrow.

Glances at time. "4:44Pm" Bahhh. ):

I don't get how people can stand sitting behind in class. Was way at the back and all I saw today was the back of other people's heads. Couldn't see any reaction mechanisms for nuts. ):

That aside, I'm really the attuned to the weather today. LOL. Random thought.

Frankly, I shouldn't be too surprised. It's time for me to take this jigsaw apart. The clock starts ticking..

And so we go.

Music Montage #2!

She is Love by Parachute. (:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Music Montage #1!

Thought I'd do a little something different today. (:

On The Way Down - Ryan Cabrera

Feels rather nostalgic listening to this, brings me back to my highschool days when I first started listening to him. (:

Doodle #124

Once I rose above the noise and confusion, just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion. I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high.

Actually fell asleep in class today, yes I do feel guilty of doing so. Today's experiment was good, I would say. A far cry from the day before. For that, I'm happy. A bit too happy maybe. Well, long as it keeps me motivated enough to study.

Finally getting a move on my presentation. Starting out the rough slides, shall tidy them up after I'm fully done. :) I think I'll study some Physio later today.

Taking a friend's words into consideration, I agree with him. A few of them actually. It's been a rather depressive time lately, for most of us. I guess that's the worst thing about time, it allows for change, both good and bad.

Time gives, and time takes.

Another one of my cliched self made idioms. I'll try digging up the poem that contained the line. T'was from WAYYY back.

Now? Physio. :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Doodle #123

I stayed up, not knowing what to do, so here I am. :)

Radiant poise,
Embodies soul, mind, and body,
A standoff between choices,
Enthralled by the beauty of her melody.

Eyes filled with luster,
Eclipsed only by her vivacious presence,
A familiar atmosphere,
Cherished reminiscence.

Detached at moments,
Yet the affable ambiance persists.

First time I'm attempting to structure a piece so it rhymes (somewhat), so it won't exactly be as good. But it's in a happy tune though (I hope)! That's a change. :)

Doodle #122 : What Drives You?

I'll be here by the ocean just waiting for proof that there's sunsets and silhouette dreams.

Before I proceed any further, I'd like to warn you that this might be slightly.. depressive to read. Well maybe. I keep rambling on about how it'll be depressive so I guess that kind of sets a precursor for what to expect. Placebo effect anyone?


I've a knack for relating things in oddest ways. True, maybe a little too much at times. I always give it away with a slight chuckle whenever two things that were initially unrelated clicked together. But that's the beauty of psychology, is it not? I've always found myself fascinated with the application of the study on the subject.

Which brings about the question, "Why am I doing all of this?"

I begin to question myself, is this really what I want? Turn the hourglass back, 7 months ago, back to when I was still within the college mindset, with no worries in the world save for admission into one of the most prestigious universities known to myself. Why had I chosen this path? Is this my passion? Do I regret anything up to this point? Would I be able to cope as the years progressed?

My mind's littered with questions, with no answers. I admit I haven't exactly been composed lately, the notion of falling behind is starting to set in. If you know me well, you'd know that I had never really been bothered with studies. No matter what, they always took a backseat, for I had higher priorities in my mind. That was the line I had always uttered to those who asked. So much so that it's become a norm for me. So I may come across as cocky, overconfident among my various traits. At times I attract too much attention for my own good, all in a conscious mindset. I want to be seen. I had always been but a shadow, a mere face in the crowd. In spite of it all, it all rings true,

I just want to belong.

I had the very same thought over year ago, and I had found my place then, in the comfort of those I call family. A picturesque setting, shattered by my own indecisiveness. Time passes, people change yet I remain in the same cliche'.

I felt as though I've failed. My etiquette was inexcusable and unjustified. I should have exerted self-restraint and acted according to my better judgement. A long day, riddled with bumps along the way.

I miss the more carefree days, the days where laughter came easily. The first time the ice was broken, the first few lines said. Etched into my memory. Guess all I can muster is a slight chuckle every now and then. Time flies when you're having fun, another one of my overused cliches. But when I think of those days, I can't help but grin from ear to ear. :)

I'll just have to play it by heart.

I really needed to get that out, felt like a weight over me is gone, not entirely though. Least now I've found a drive to read up for tomorrow's practical session. Even though things may not seem to be going your way, it doesn't mean you have to show it and displease everyone else. Still trying to instill that line into my mindset. Forgive me for the outbursts, old habits die hard. :P

Today warrants some guitar playing! :) Wonderwall, still the only song to have made me tear up to date. :D Rofl.

EDIT : Over the years I've learnt to differentiate between the two predominant states of mind that plagues me. Sometimes I feel as though I'm being weighed down by an intangible burden, the accumulation of all my life's worries. Anxiety in short. Having studied Psychology, I wonder if any of my mind's defense mechanisms actually work. I know for certain that Repression and Isolation works. I've had periods of memory lapses. Explains why half my memory from years back seems to be missing. Other times, I feel light as a bird, like now actually. Just during this paragraph. I feel so compelled to study, and just be myself. One's low, one's high. Yeap, I'm pretty much bipolar at times. When I'm not my usual stable and indifferent self. Perhaps the ease of relating it to real life makes Psychology all more appealing to me. :) Well, been like this for 4 years now, yet I'm still not used to it. Note, this is just the manifestations of my current thoughts. I will strive to change! :D

"I found a reason for me to change who I used to be" LOL, and the which line which comes next. :D

Well, time for some Drug Delivery. Kinoc, out. :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Doodle #121

A short one for tonight.

Don't you hate it when you can't really cite a source (ie. a journal) because you've lost all the information pertaining the exact location where you obtained that information? Well that's just happened to me. I downloaded and printed the section of the journal over two weeks ago only to realize now that there isn't a shred of information on it except for the page number and article title. I've no idea who wrote it, nor do I know WHAT journal it's actually from, not even the date of publication. Mehh.

Took an impromptu nap at 5pm, guess I was more exhausted than I realized. Sat down and the next thing I know, it was 7pm already. That's a good 2 hours gone with the wind.

Maybe taking naps really alters my train of thoughts. :/ I'm unsure. But waking up from it, I felt so alienated from today. Feels like I'm on the outside, looking in, all over again. Even the random camwhoring sessions feel so far now.

I almost threw my phone, my iPhone, yes, that, off 2 storeys. -.- Really wouldn't have been the best thing to happen to me.

I'm getting all confusing again. Bahh. I need to find some form of release. On the bright side, I think there'll be ping pong practice again tomorrow! I hope. Really enjoyed the previous session I had last week. Worked out + fun + practice. Heh. Though I've completely forgotten how to serve with a spin. Last time I tried I looked pretty comical, must've been amusing to watch.


Just finished referencing! Only thing that's left now is for Dr. Lee (my personal therapist and psychologist) to proofread it and provide much needed feedback. Feels good to be on schedule. Next, I'll finish up my Smallpox slides. But that's an issue for another day.

Now? A game of DotA before heading off to bed. :)

Doodle #120 : Relive The Addiction

It's been awhile now hasn't it? Well, I'm hooked on once again. To what exactly?

This neat little app, INSTAGRAM! :)

I haven't exactly been actively taking photographs, not like how I was during my college days though those were still mostly candid shots intended for blackmail pure wholesome fun with no ulterior motives whatsoever. *innocent smile*

A blast from the past,

One of the first few really nice shots I've taken back then.

Heading off to Snowflakes, taken during the college year.

Coming back, it's really been too long since I really used this app. Was introduced to it by Watson last year. Think I've written a review on it, sometime ago. Not gonna search for that post, you may do it manually if you wish. :)

Psycho lectures finished rather early today. 45 minutes earlier than expected in our 2 hour lecture session. So we (Jean, Melody and I) decided to make the most of the extra time we had on our hands.

After about 30 minutes of camwhoring by the balcony/hallway/whatever you call it.. We realized we didn't actually SAVE any of them.. Bah, so we started again from scratch. :/

Here's what's salvaged.

Yeah, basically just one photo worthy of being put up. LOL

Session #2 began after classes! :)

Surprisingly nice candid shot.


Alpha Male! LOL

yokeyee! :)

Well, that's all folks.

Time to... DotA? :D Kinoc, out.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Doodle #119 : Home

Home, it could be a place, a person, a feeling.

Such was the essay topic we were given in EAL/D. Feels nostalgic to relive those moments.

Coming back, I realize it's been awhile since I last wrote. I'M BACK! I mean that in both a literal and metaphorical manner. Okay, time to get down to business. Going to be writing on my past few days. 'cause that's what blogging is all about. Conveying your boring experiences to the outside world, 'cause sharing is caring. :D


Somehow, I got convinced to haul myself over back to uni for a little event planned by the School of Psychology, SPIN Movie Night. Found myself on campus grounds around 7:30PM, it was scheduled to start at 8:00PM. Uni feels different at night, it reminded me of staying overnight at Sunway for the Famine camp last year. I like the lighting, hahaha.

Managed to find Elaine along with her Psychology friends nearby Audi 2, which was the venue for the movie.

A Beautiful Mind, a movie about schizophrenia, and the reason I was at uni that night.

It was partly also because of food. Sure, I had to pay RM2 for entry (not being from the Psy faculty) but it was well worth it. Had mamee + cloud 9 + soya bean + more. :D Speaking of food, Elaine was rather peeved at me for constantly bugging her for food.

"Who wants some snacks?"
"Kin Hoe! You again ahh??"

Well, you know me la. :D

So yeah, dropped Elaine and Mash off then headed back home. $$ well spent. :))


It's Friday, Friday, gonna get down on Friday!

Kicking off this section of the post, Happy Birthday Jean! :) It's today actually, but we celebrated it yesterday. Remember, new leaf! :D

So us, the guys, played bait and distracted her after classes while the girls handled the delicate task of setting things up. After awhile or so, it was go time.

Lured Jean to her car, "A tree fell down on your car!" LOL. Not exactly the most tactful course of action but it delivered results, which is good enough for us.


:O face.

Balloons and Post It Notes all over. Job well done, if I say so myself.

The girls with Jean.

The guys, and Tina with Jean.

Went over to Subang Parade for lunch at Nando's.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Doodle #118 : Stand by

I'm fortunate enough to be granted a holiday today. Me, and the rest of the state of Selangor.

I've come to terms that holidays are almost always a double-edged sword. You can never seem to be able to make the most of them. Not when you're me at least. Sure, you're given a break from the usual conundrums, in what may come across as an attempt for repose. Yet despite this, there's always the lingering thought of assignments just hovering in your pre-conscious state of mind. As such, there's never ever any genuine possibility of slacking. The very notion of it is enough to send waves of guilt gushing all over me.


Some would say I'm a hypocrite. Well, to them I say, "Guilty as charged". I've a knack for going against my own words, being self-contradictory more often than not. It's not that easy to practice what you preach. Words were always easier than action itself, which is probably why people always said Action speaks louder than words. Personally, I feel that words speak more volume, if used in the proper manner.

Time to face the music, trying to say that everything's the same is nothing short of absurd. I can't keep portraying the procrastinator. It's high time I recomposed myself, and find a new direction. Things only get tougher as time progresses. Studies are only among my current worries now. I begin to doubt my initial resolve. It feels as though I'm being weighed down by illusionary burden, analogous to being plagued by a guilty conscious. I had never been that serious a person to begin with. Being in denial is the mind's first line of defense. It's always been one of my more infamous traits.

Yet, somehow I'm not that surprised. It's just like the old days. Same old cliche's, old habits die hard, some never change. If only it were as simple as flipping a switch, then life as a whole would be a lot easier. But that's life for you. To quote one of my lecturers,

Life, is the process of dying.

A ling that rings true. Every day, we die a little more inside. Pardon me, it feels like I've entered one of those monologous rants yet again. Now do you see the contrast between the intonation and backgrounds?

Should I find the resolve, I'll probably finish up the pieces. Though the words used may be different, the overall message wouldn't stray far from everything I've written up to this point. In hindsight, I had never really changed to begin with. It's been almost 2 years since I began writing, and I still need to improve.

Well, I ought to get back to writing the essay. This is what Psychology does to you, drives you insane. :)


Kinoc, out.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Doodle #117

A quick one for today.

Won't be writing much since there's not much happening in my ever so mundane life still.

If you're a reader, then you'll probably notice the new layout.


Yeah. It probably is. Adeline was telling me how joyful it looked. Then again, the contrast between it and the usual tone in which I dictate my posts may be an interesting mix. I'll see how it goes. In a way, all my previous layouts just amplified the tone of my rantings, to being borderline depressive. Scratch that, to VERY depressive.

So I thought I'd give this page a small facelift.

Wrote another 2 pieces as I was daydreaming about in class today. Doubt they're any good to put up. Let's just say they have this "End of the world" persona about em'. So there you go.

I'll try to fine tune it and decide then. I still have a psychology essay to finish up. Oh, this is the university life.

Kinoc, out.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Doodle #116

I've been meaning to write another piece, so here it is. I apologize for the delay in putting it up.

As fatigue washes over me,
I falter in my stride,
Looking up into the endless horizon,
A seemingly endless path,
Lost without a direction,
With naught but instinct to shine the way.

Subtle signs point in a direction,
I follow them blindly,
Discarding all logic behind me,
Read between the lines,
For nothing else speaks such volume,
Than the words unspoken.

Fear is but a distant emotion,
Having traversed across this expanse,
Familiarity is a comforting thought,
As the darkness engulfs me,
I welcome it with open arms.

For it has been my companion,
From the very beginning.

Feels good to be able to write again. It's been awhile.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Doodle #115 : The Hostel

So here we go.

Went to check out the new hostel building in Monash a few days back. I didn't even realize that they have actually already opened the hostel. They even had tenants already! Explains the random lights I see every morning when I walk past the building on the way to campus. Why hadn't that click in my mind earlier? That and the fact I saw this door at the cafeteria with people walking in and out of it yet paid no attention whatsoever towards it.


Yeah, that's the building. The Monash-Hostel Link was pretty cool. Maybe it's because it's all new and stuff. Even smells freshly constructed, then again it is.

We were unsure of what to do when we reached the entrance. For a second there, we thought you needed a resident's ID card to get in as they had this barrier thingy, like the ones you see in LRT stations, not sure what you called it.

Then we found out that our Monash IDs could get us in. Yay!

One of the blocks, can't remember which.

Well, our initial intention was just to scout out whether the local Lunch Box branch had opened or not.. but......

Yeah, explored the whole place while we were at it.

A swimming pool! And a gym in the top left hand side of the picture, on the second level of that building. Even had a basketball court behind it.

Rules yo'. Read em.

Going for a dip?

The chairs you can see here are for Lunch Box. Pretty big place weihhh.

Trying to locate the management office. Why? Because we had time to kill while LB set up. Rofl. Oh, this big empty hall which was between us and Dave, I think it was the MPH or smth. Looked like it.

Asked around the management office if we could get a look into one of the demo units available. I wanted to see for myself why the cost for one of the rooms is RM1000 or RM1500 per month for myself too.

One of the staff lead us to one of the demo units, the B Block unit if I remember correctly.

One of the rooms. This picture doesn't really do it justice as I only caught part of it. The thingy at the bottom left is the fridge. It looked cosy enough, it felt like how I want my very own room in my house to be. Simple, yet adequate furnishing. Did I mention that EACH room had its very own FLAT SCREEN TV? I kid you not. Every room had one.

This is the common hall for the Block B unit. Another point to note, each unit had 6 rooms. The Block B unit is actually TWO floors, so it didn't really feel like an apartment unit. Only thing is the sole room downstairs felt considerably smaller than the other 5 located on the second floor.

I'm starting to see the reason behind the hefty price tag put on each of these rooms. Every unit is fully furbished. Dining tables, chairs, kitchen cabinets, microwaves, a smaller table in the common area, and everything shown in the photo of the room earlier. Each had a TV, wall shelf, table, chair, fridge. Air conditioned too which was free up to 180 hours of usage per month, the equivalent of 6 hours a day.

Yeah, I'd be pretty happy to live in one of those rooms.

We were brought to the Block A unit next. This one had the apartment feel. It was higher up (demo unit on the 8th floor) as opposed to the previous one in Block B (it was on the second floor, which felt like ground level).

Everything was on one floor, like how an apartment should be. Coolest thing bout it was the washroom. 6 individual cubicles. So I guess you could each take one, haha. They had this huge mirror too. Felt more like the washrooms you'd see in a shopping complex.

Well.. After that was settled.


I'd say... This branch is MUCH BETTER than the current standard of the Sunway College branch. I mean, they still taste pretty okay over there but lately.. Their standard has dropped. It's nowhere near how they used to be last year. I'm being frank here.

But now they've a branch in Monash! Which isn't that bad.


I'm one happy boy now. No more having to put up with cafe food everyday! :)

Kinoc, out.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Doodle #114 : Blondiee!

Somehow or rather, my inspiration to write has returned! :) Hence, I shall update this monotonous page of mine with a little birthday celebrations a few days back. :)

I'll skip all the boring parts and get right down to it. I mean, you wouldn't want to hear all about my dreary morning and lengthy morning classes now would you?

So the celebration was for...

Miss Blondie! :D

I have to say, the surprise was almost given away (on several occasions) before it was due. Luckily it wasn't, thanks to some spontaneous cover ups.

So I was tasked with getting her out for the day, playing the role of lunch planner (as usual. why do I always get these roles?). Same details, gang thing, Zanmai.

So the stage was set. :D

Left for Zanmai after classes in 2 groups. Adeline, Dave, Joshua, Jhii, Tina and I brought Blondiee out first. Had some random chatting whilst awaiting our seats. Wasn't exactly easy to find a place for a group our size, taking into account the extra people coming later.

Met Marcus, Qing Xian and Elena outside while waiting. Haha. And a couple of ex-Ausmatians too.

Managed to get the exact same spot the last time we came here. And so we sat down, chatted, and ate. Normal lunch what. :D

Then, Jean, Jamie and Caryn came in. Wouldn't say it was that big a surprise. Hahah. They went to get these for Blondiee.


Ever since I saw them on Masterchef, been dying to try some.

Time to dig in. :D

Sometime later,

Dave : "Oh, there's another surprise coming"

And instantaneously, everyone else walked in.

I must admit, I was surprised too. Wasn't let in on this part of the surprise.

Don't make me name everyone else. Hahha. Too many. D:

Singing "Happy Birthday" :)

With them, came Blondiee's gift!

A Blondie Smurfett. :D

'course. A very disturbing Joshua had to.. Well, my expression says it all. /facepalm.

So that's it, my take on the day. Wasn't a very long one. Hahha.

I was never that good a narrative writer, explains my noticeably shorter posts when it comes down to narrating events and stuff.

Kinoc, out.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Doodle #113 : Old Habits Die Hard

Have I ever mentioned that I never really liked holidays?

Weekends = Holidays.

You get the point.

Kicking off today's post.. More ranting! I'll get onto writing yesterday's surprise party for blondie in a bit. For now, I'll stick to my monotonous and monologous rants which nobody seems to care about.

Okay, maybe I am a bit.. clingy. It's all a matter of Dependency (rofl). Part of me really isn't too surprised at the accusation. I've been known to stick around a bit too much for my own good. In hindsight, I've been here before. Back then, I really did look like I was with one of my friends (from the outside). The matter's all cleared up now. Only that I've begun yet another issue. It's only right that I clear up this misunderstanding, despite some who aren't really bothered to hear me out.

That aside, recent events have brought out a side of me I thought was long gone. A persona, fearful of what the future may bring, shaped by the past, and worried about the present. Call it conditioning if you want. They say you learn from your mistakes, and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

But does it really?

Another point to note is that I seem to have reignited some of my flair for writing. By that, I'm referring to the manner in which I denote my blog posts. The only setback is that it means I've unlocked someone I was determined to seal away.

You can clearly see the increasingly stark details written between the lines. Glaring disparities. Well, I no longer have to consult my thesaurus. Somewhat.

For the coming weekend, I shall do my absolute best to stay away from my more.. less happy songs. Ironically, my playlist seems to want to pick a fight with me. Been pressing the 'Next' button for awhile now and I'm seeing nothing but sad songs come up on my WMP.

Yet again, I woke up at 7:00ish. Well aware of the time and my inability to fall asleep again. Took me a good 30 minutes to shut my mind down and head back to my alternate reality.

Suppressed desires manifesting themselves in the form of dreams. The same setting, only with different characters. Looping.

Action speaks volume. Lack of it only incites silence. One of my better known weaknesses, I begin the descent. At times, it feels like I'm looking in from the outside. Everything is the same, and yet nothing is.

Pessimist, idealist, melancholic. Id, ego, superego. The fire burns on.

My college bestie was right. I'd make a really good Psychology test subject. ._. I really have to stop procrastinating. The only question is, have I put things off way too long?

Hahahah. I should keep myself busy for now. I guess. Hopefully I'll be able to complete part of my research today. There's no gratification quite like the satisfaction of a job well done.

Y'know. I think Psychology really fascinates me. The applied side, having had so many of those random discussion with my friends who took that subject then. Was never a fan of the theoretical side. Hahh. Well.. Just remember to,

Smile. :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Doodle #112

Short one today.

I'm thinking of joining MUVP (MU Volunteer Program). Still rather undecided at this point. Think there's a box you can tick if you want to work with animals. :D

But.. I dunno.

Kinda want the experience to volunteer yet undecided.

Yeah, I'm a pretty fickle person. Explains my indecision almost all the time. Bahh.

Every time the word change comes to mind, I'm reminded of how I've enveloped myself within a protective bubble, resilient to all outside influence. I enjoy the comfort of familiarity, but with time.. Change is inevitable. It's high time I learnt to open up, and embrace crossroads. The choices I've made and the paths I'm walking down. I'm stumbling, yet I'm managing.

Can't help but reminisce, and how Mun recited her lines on change last year. Really hit home. :D

It's times like these that remind me of how far I've come from those darker days, and level I can sink to, and all the reasons for me to push on, determined not to let my narrow-mindedness get the better of me. No, not again.

Because I'm no longer that same naive boy I once was. :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Doodle #111 : Was It A Dream?

Yeah, no.110 isn't here. I was writing it half way before I stopped. Will get to finishing it soon.


I'm very sorry for how I was today.

Just woke up from a nap so excuse my groggy state of mind. Every time I fall asleep in the evening, I wake up (without fail) thinking it's the next day. I've had to keep reminding myself that it's still the same day as when I went to sleep. You know that feeling when your arms turn to jelly cause you slept on it too long, cutting off blood flow? Well, happened to me, on both my arms. D: Although I'm happy to say the effect has ceased now.

So it's been a long day. Not exactly how I had envisioned it. When you've already this perception, it's rather hard to change actually. Old habits die hard anyway. Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. It rings true as I've a vague memory of the first moment waking up, which I'm not sure may or may not have transpired. Remember when I mentioned I dreamt about my life so much I couldn't tell the difference between reality and otherwise? I'm guessing today was one of those days. Felt rather.. lost, to say the least.

At times, it feels as though I've been programmed to act this way. Living through my life has conditioned me to act a certain manner. Not in any way justifiable. I've a pretty odd way of looking at things. Hahh.

I think I really needed that nap. True, I do feel rather disorientated (it feels like Wednesday to me now) but refreshed, mentally. Sometimes, all one needs is some reassurance. It's been awhile since I last caught up with my mui. :)

Thanks, I know you just love to laugh at my theatrics. But that's the whole dynamic of our sibling-ship. Is that even a word though? LOL

So yeah. I feel like myself again. :) Time to see this through. 'cause the problem from the very beginning, was none other than myself.

If you don't have faith in yourself, don't expect faith from others.

I seem to like making up random quotes for myself. Hahhhh. :)

If I'm not myself tomorrow, just smack me. No, I'm serious. 'bout time I start acting mature :D


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLONDIEEEEEE. :)))) Say hi to Tumbelina for meeee :))