Friday, August 26, 2011

Doodle #125

Well, today's presentation went rather well. Although I had no role whatsoever in the presentation today I did a run through of my slides, presenting everything just for the heck of it. Jamie said I spoke super fast. Fine, so maybe my impromptu presentations will always be sped through unless I consciously slow myself down.

Other than that, the day passed rather monotonously. Went to the labs to finish off the second half of my Blood practical. Jotted down some notes and stuff. Will probably get to writing up my report tomorrow.

Glances at time. "4:44Pm" Bahhh. ):

I don't get how people can stand sitting behind in class. Was way at the back and all I saw today was the back of other people's heads. Couldn't see any reaction mechanisms for nuts. ):

That aside, I'm really the attuned to the weather today. LOL. Random thought.

Frankly, I shouldn't be too surprised. It's time for me to take this jigsaw apart. The clock starts ticking..

And so we go.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you tats why i dont understand why U Jean loves sitting behind
