Monday, August 29, 2011

Doodle #128 : Holiday Season

So it comes again.

Selamat Hari Raya to all my fellow Malaysians, take in some of that festive air! (:

For the next 3 days, I'll be on break, 3 public holidays. Classes resume on Friday. I think it's pretty sad to be a university student now. Everybody gets the week off yet you've classes on Monday and Friday. Then again, it's not like I've anywhere else to be during the holiday season.

I'm proud to say that I've finished both my Blood report and Human Behavior assignment and handed both in today. *smiles* That leaves me with only my Oral Presentation slides left to touch up. No rush though, it's due next Friday. Oh, the joy of finishing work early. :)

I took part in a Psychology research today. A friend from the School of Psy told me about this research that was being conducted so I thought why not give it a shot? Help out. Hehh. Haha rofl. It was pretty simple stuff really. Just describe your happy / sad experiences with both success and failure in a very casual Q&A style interview. Having said that, I realized that I haven't really been doing much with my life.

I had virtually no clear recollection of any happy memories or telltale stories of success, save for one. The only time I truly felt proud of something I've achieved is to be able to make the requirement for B.Pharm at Monash last year, having received my AUSMAT results. :) Academically, that was it. I never stood out as a brilliant student nor did I actively participate in any student council, but I had friends who did. *winkwink*

Socially, you know the gist of it. Been pretty much invisible to almost everyone I knew. I was always there, yet I wasn't. Maybe that's caused most of the people I used to know to drift apart, having lost contact with them for so long. But I had reason for that. Though maybe it was only a scapegoat for my laziness to keep those ties strong.

Yeap, that was quite the self-reflecting session. Followed up by some cognitive tests. :D *teehee* I was to solve some puzzles, guessing the minimum moves I could take to solve it. Pretty simple stuff really. Only remember 2 stupid errors due to miscalculation. There was this test for working memory too, it's a form of short term memory. Kinda like how you play those pick 2 coins to reveal the images behind them. If they match, the coins stay flipped but if they don't, then they'll turn back over. You know la... Blasted through it. 8D

Then I had to stare at nothing but numbers for the next 5 minutes. Breathed a sigh of relief as I finished the test. So now I guess I'll be waiting to see the results of the research once it is published. :D

Btw, it was a research to see the influence of one's life experiences on their social and cognitive abilities.

I guess today was a pretty ordinary day. Nothing much to really highlight besides that.

There was also a slight brush with security for some of us. ;)

Apart from that, it's just the usual day. Time to just.. Stone. Waiting for Heroes to load. I've decided to rewatch everything from scratch. TEEHEE. Currrently at S1E5 :)

Kinoc, out.

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