Friday, July 20, 2012

Doodle #204 : A Close

And so the fifth and final week of the holidays are drawing to a close. A rather uneventful end to what was supposedly the most entertaining (or least it was meant to be) holiday season to date. We were asked to perform for orientation, and pretty much recycled the performance for the previous two Open Days. There's just something about the Monash crowd. I just need to find a word to describe it. Oh right, dead. Pretty much.

Once again the only cheers came from ourselves. Talk about getting into the moment. Nevertheless, enjoyed performing.

Then came the stagnant phase of the last week. Everything pretty much came to a halt and time itself just seemed to pass motionlessly. Funny how the very nature of boredom seems to dull the passage of time itself.

I suppose yesterday was a good day, somewhat. Met up with Mun who just finished her exams the day before, and Elaine, Ipoh gang! (Technically I do have Ipoh blood in my veins, but that's about it). Dropped by Monash first to run some errands, and meet those going for the Pharmacy Board interview. I had my turn the year before, as I may or may not have mentioned in one of my many inane rants.

Yes I'm just gonna leave this post hanging here, because I can.

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