Monday, August 20, 2012

Doodle #208

Well peeps I'm back again. Rofl.

It's been a.. can I say long? Nah not really. But time has indeed slowed down of late.

Been pretty much swamped in work and assignments lately. Two new Learning Exercises, and EBP critical appraisal, and a lab report that's inducing mild schizophrenic symptoms. But that's just me.

For pretty much of the week, it's been the same old procrastination studying routine. But on Thursday, we all took a little break.

Sorry for the blur pic, pretty much stole this off the page itself and it was TINY. That's right folks, it's been on the minds of Monashians for pretty much the past few weeks, me included. So on Thursday, I stayed back with the rest of the Hip Hop peeps for the Rainbow Foam Party.

Food was provided, but we had no intent of fighting the horde of people for it so we decided to order our own. Of course, we couldn't get through any of the Domino's line that evening and we found out why later. After the food, they let people into the allocated area. The place was moved to the foyer of Building 2 although it was initially planned to be staged at the Open Field Area. Why? Beats me.

First event, Comedy Corner. I can't seem to find the itinerary so I've no idea who went up but I did remember the second guy who went up. He was hilarious. I laughed till my insides ached.

"When people say you're photogenic, what they really mean is that you look good.. in 2D" HAHA. It gets funnier later on.

After we all had our laughs, it was the event I was waiting for. The Dance Off. Sadly Josh was still caught up in his MPAC rehearsals. Ah well. So 10 random people got hauled up onto the stage, and were to go up against each other in 1v1 battles till the end. They each take turns to dance, about 30s? Anyways, when the first guy started dancing.. My jaw just dropped. I mean, seriously? Then in came the smoke effects! And voila! The whole stage pretty much disappeared from anyone standing in the centre of the crowd and back, much more so when you're sitting right at the back of the area as you don't want to cram in with everyone.

So we just gave up on watching and had our own dance circle at the back every time they played music. Heh, so much more fun.

Then, the dance floor opened and the soap water foam started shooting around. I just gave up and left. It was like.. bubbles. =.= Loud music and crammed spaces were never my thing anyway.

Highlight of the night? A b-boy came up to Josh and started breaking, pretty darned good. Now my jaw dropped in a good way. :D

Now for Friday night.

It was a ridiculously long day, having toiled in the lab for 2 hours before being subjected to a 3 hour onslaught of PAC2342. Dah lah the subject dam dry, 3 hours some more! (Malaysianism showing) Lecturer was okay though, but I couldn't stand the dryness. Lost my focus within an hour and a half, and pretty much vanished later on. @@


After class was over, we gathered and left for Paradigm Mall for U Jean and Devi's birthday celebrations.

The drive there was rather interesting, having only Dave and Joshua in the car. It's not often we get some guy time to talk nonsense and crap. Hahaha.

It was my first time there and I think I'm beginning to understand why they say the parking layout is so confusing and the shops layout so haphazard. Why on earth do you put a boutique right next to a restaurant? Won't the smell of the food kind of, oh I don't know, seep into the clothes and stuff?

The funniest part was getting to Plan B, which was the place we had to go. Dave instantly went "We need to get to Level C" the moment we got outta the car park. I stared at the directory as he said "Level C, Level C" and went "Dude, we are on Level C". Then he was like "Okay, we need to find F9. The shop lot is in F9" "DEYYHH, don't F9 F9 me. What's the shop name la?" "It's called Plan B" *I look up* Plan B. "DUDE IT'S JUST THERE" *points in front of me* Rofl.

It was kinda like a mini pharmacy gathering. :p Food was good, place was nice, night was fun. Mini serenading sessions going on at the Year 2 side of the table. xD

Happy birthday again! :D

And so we go.

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