Friday, August 10, 2012

Doodle #207

Wow, it's been 10 days already?! Feels like just yesterday that it was the start of the week! Week 3 was a pretty short week as Monday was a public holiday. We seem to have A LOT of public holidays in Malaysia, which are frankly the only days I ever get off from university as regular school terms don't apply to me (except for the much welcomed mid semester break).

I suppose the week's been rather uneventful.

Tuesday passed by, without much ado.

Wednesday, same old same old. Had practice again, and felt stiff as a brick in class. If I was a box before, I am a plank now. Completely lost my track. :/ Injuries still yet to heal and I'm already exerting myself.

Thursday! First eventful day of the week!

That's right folks, went to watch Step Up Revolution with the rest of the crew. Frankly, story-wise it's the same old small group of people against a giant company using nothing but dance to make themselves heard. Kinda meh, but the dancing scenes were a bomb to watch.

Especially the second and third mobs. The one where they danced in suits is probably the best scene in the movie to me. The contempt piece was bloody awesome too. :) If you dance, then you have to watch this!

Friday, another uneventful day.

But hey! The hallway is empty now! Yes my stuff are all over the place but hey! Finally have space. HIK HIK.

On a completely unrelated note, now all 4 of my limbs are injured, one way or another. :D

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