Monday, December 5, 2011

Doodle #157

It's been quite awhile, no? I just can never seem to get around writing.

I've finally found work! A pretty decent one too, though it's only a short one week stint. I have to thank Alicia for this, so thank you Alicia! :D She hooked me up with a student helper job with the pharmacy department of Monash. That being said, we were told later in the day at how they couldn't find anybody to help out from the school of pharmacy. Oddly enough, none of us ever got the word.

Before this, I had another short job stint I managed to get through my dad. That... Didn't work out too well. Maybe someday I'll come about to write about that. or not. Anyways, the pictures taken during that first job are on my Facebook. So there.

Coming back to this. Monash! What better place to work in right?

The best part was that Alicia told me 2 people were needed. Hence, I was able to invite a friend along for the job. Blondiee! :D There's no colleague more fun. Gahaha. Started work around 9 where we were led to our work 'station'. In truth, the Pharmacy department couldn't find a room for us to work in so we made do with one of the Meeting Rooms on the 6th floor. Super spacious + all to ourselves. Couldn't ask for a better environment.

The task at hand? Filing paperwork. All the better! Initially, I was pretty lost. We were handed a HUGE, and I mean HUGE stack of papers and were instructed to sort it out according to appendices and body. All I did was nod, nod and nod while Blondiee listened intently. When that was done, I just looked at Blondiee, puzzled, hoping she knew what we were supposed to do. Luckily, she did! So we proceeded to sort things out.

Out of 20 files, we managed to finish 8. Not bad actually. You don't wanna know how thick each are. -.- I got to play around with this MASSIVE paper puncher. Super fun. LOL

Had lunch with Frieeeeeeend, Chern and Mei Yi too.

T'was a good day. :) Time passed so fast I was surprised when I glanced at my clock to see it was already 4pm. Teehee. Moment we got off work though, all the fatigue sunk in. I'm still pretty tired now. Think I'll call it a day.

Kinoc, out.

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