Friday, February 24, 2012

Doodle #168 : Transition Camp Day 1

I may or may not have mentioned this but some time ago, I got drafted to be a student guide for this year's Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences Transition Camp 2012. It was a pretty last minute thing as ABJ and I were only notified of this roughly a week before the camp was set to start. Actually, both of us had been told that neither of us had been selected to go on the camp, so we were pretty much caught off guard. T'was pretty funny though, I was beside him when he got the call and when my phone rung later, I knew I was selected. Which makes up a total of 8 guides, U Jean, Devi, Blondiee, Mei Yi, Seasons, Weng, ABJ and I.

I had no idea what I was in for.

In preparation for the camp, we had several meetings to delegate the tasks to ensure everything ran smoothly. Being the last to get aboard this ship, I was pretty lost then. Not to mention it was my first time taking on such a role. "But hey, how hard could it possibly get? I just have to be there, and guide.. right?" I thought to myself.

The first day started off on a very early note, I had to get up at 6am in order to get to uni on time to help set up the stations on campus. It's been 3 months since I tried even getting up remotely close to that time so I was pretty groggy when I got to campus. After a pretty messy start, we got everyone to the briefing room at 6-2-02. Name tags and manuals were handed out and the juniors were sorted out into their respective groups. They were then given a short pre-camp briefing as well as one on the MUPhaS group and all the Pharmacy activities we had last year. Sort of like a teaser, I s'pose.

10am, departure! Loaded up the buses and we pushed off to PNB Ilham, Port Dickson for the 3 day camp. Pharmacy was assigned Bus 5, but after loading all the student's luggages, the equipment and miscellaneous items.. there was none left for us Student Guides. 6 of us were diverted over to Bus 6. Le tumpang Psycho bus!

Welcome to PNB Ilham. :D

The moment you hit PD, the sun hits you. Hard. The longer I was there, the more I missed the cool air of Genting the prior year. First things first, everyone got checked in. Or rather we tossed our luggage into one of the rooms while waiting to be officially checked in and getting our keys.

In the meantime..

Photo doesn't really do the seaside view justice. Wait till the tide comes in, then it's just wow. (:

Le juniors getting their first briefing of the camp.

Om nom nom lunch. PD food.

T'was on to the first game of the camp. What we call "Pick and Choose", I still don't see how the name relates that much though. Basically, you split the team into 'throwers' and 'retrievers'. As their name implies, the thrower throws balls into baskets and should they miss, it's the retriever's job to.. retrieve those balls and toss it back to the throwers for another attempt. Each team is given 5 baskets to place at 4 set distances, however they please. As you can expect, the further away the basket is, the more points one garners when a ball is successfully.. basketed.

Le Pharmacy kids in action.

After some shuffling of roles and strategizing, they finally got the hang of it. Though I'm rather surprised nobody came up with the.. ingenius tactic of last year Pharmacy groups. ;)

Well, more or less there la.

One thing I love about Pick and Choose is how chaotic it can get. The moment the bell rings, balls flying everywhere, people running, tossing, screaming, cheering, jeering. :D Watching them play reminds me of my own session the year before. Retrievers stealing other team's balls as well as losing their own to others. Utter disorder. Mmhmm. :D The only setback was that we weren't quite as co-ordinated as we'd hope to be and I also kind of screwed up the number of times we were supposed to play and whatnot. Briefing was also.. meh.

Once that was done, it was onto the ice-breaking session. What they called the "New Found Friend Dance". Okay, maybe I was a bit.. off but I didn't take part in this and stood aside.


The other guides leading them on!

We walk to the left,
We walk to the right.

Once that was settled we moved on to what I would consider one of the most important activities of camp, designing a group flag and cheer.

P1, Aspirin! Their flag will be shown later. Funny how it bears some pretty striking similarities to mine the year before. Fate? or Irony? :O Hahah.

We were behind schedule at this point so everything felt so much more rushed. Our timetable was rather packed as well, which didn't help much. But after tea and an attempt to refresh ourselves, we all gathered at the field (every course, MBBS, Pharmacy, Psychology) for the evening telematch.

To the beach! Or not. T'was just a waiting station before we were all herded onto the nearby, and larger field, yet still just as hot. The respective group leaders were sent out and briefed by the staff on what the events were.

Who in turns briefs the rest of the team.

The games looked pretty interesting. There was one involving squashing a tennis ball between you and a teamates heads and running to a point and back. Probably one of the more entertaining ones to watch as everyone just seemed to lose all sense of direction, criss-crossing and bumping into each other.

But hands down, the coolest event was the "Water Volleyball". You play a 6v6 game with each team having 3 pairs holding up a cloth. You serve a water balloon using that cloth and hope to catch it if you were on the receiving end. It was close to impossible to catch a serve (till later on, where the groups just kept getting better) so I felt it was probably a lil lopsided. If you got first serve, you stand a much higher chance of winning. Shall dig up the videos I took later on. :D

Loved the group that did the drop shot serves. Can't remember which exactly but it was Pharmacy! Team PHARMACY :DD

A short break for dinner before the night session began.

Mei Yi and Weng presented for that slot on "So I'm going to be a Pharmacist". Frienddd, if you're reading this, I tell you ahhh. You have a knack for presenting la! Natural. :3

A short discussion later and the groups were to present on their flags.. So here we go.

Notice any similarities? This is P1's flag.

And P4, Pharm 4 Life. Sorry ah don't have pictures of P2 and P3 here with me =p

Then there was a short pep talk by Soo for us student guides. So concludes the first day of camp. Will write on the other 2 tomorrow!

On a side note, I downed 3 cups of coffee that night within 10 minutes. Trust me when I say it didn't end well. :/

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