Sunday, February 26, 2012

Doodle #169 : Transition Camp Day 2

Let me state here that the day did not begin on the best of notes. I had the foolhardiness of downing 3 cups of coffee in under 10 minutes roughly 30 minutes before I slept. It was only the first night of camp and we still had so much to do. After the pep talk by Soo the night before, I was pumped to make sure I performed adequately as a student guide. Perhaps a bit too much.

Let's just say I did not exactly sleep soundly that night, and probably neither did Joshiee.

But enough about that. The second day kicked off pretty early, at 7 in the morning in fact. I was up and about by 6.30, no thanks to the numerous times I awoken throughout the sleep. Exactly every 2 hours, 1am, 3am, 5am.

Scurried over to the nearby field for the first event of the day, aerobics exercise. It was the same as what we had done the year before only.. this time we had a more.. lively drill instructor. I shall not get into the details, but it involved a whole lot of yelling, screaming, some howling, a bit of dancing, and a tad of eecentrism.

Now that's something you don't experience everyday.

Moving on to what I would consider one of the most fun events of camp (which leads on to a surprise in the third day).

Le Amazing Race! So basically, each team is given a list of tasks and is supposed to photograph / depict each situation denoted in the list. The important thing here is to get creative with your shots as that'll net you points. Creativity / teamwork / passion. (: Yeaps. Unlike Genting however, we were all confined to the resort, and the beach. Still a pretty small place when you think of the building complexes we ran about the year before.

Nevertheless.. the teams were all hyped up (somewhat), from what I've seen in the pictures. The list.. wasn't all that spectacular, but the results definitely were!

P1 in action, setting for their shots.

When I told them to use anything at their disposal.. they kind of did. Gahaha. That aside, sprinting about under the hot sun was not my kind of activity. How I wish we had the cooling seaside breeze, the clouds above to provide much needed shelter against the sun's searing heat. So much for wishful thinking.

An hour into the race, time was up. For once, we were ahead of schedule. Or rather, the time allocated for that one activity was much more than we needed. Debriefed the juniors and gave them some much needed free time. After all, there was much to be done. There was still the evening activity to plan. Half the guides stayed on to help out with the performance preparations while the other half went to judge the photos taken.

I skipped lunch, didn't want to risk anything since I still felt rather giddy from the whole ordeal that transpired the night before.

Even now I wonder how on earth did I manage to survive through that Time Management talk I gave. Being on edge does not help. Haven't spoken in front of a crowd in over 3 months, and I was about to blurt out a whole lot of nonsense. Well. That's exactly what happened. I doubt I'll ever get over this stage fright thing anytime soon. It's been a long time since my glory days back in college.

On the upside, I felt refreshed right after my session was over. Shall not let that slip up drag me down for the rest of the camp. Cheered for Joshiee's session, a tad too loud at times. Hee.

T'was discussion time for the juniors.

After a short break, it was off! I hadn't even had time to finish editing the music for the night. Somehow or rather, I became the "sound guy". Well, least there's smth for me to do to make myself useful. And I kind of like these kind of things. :D

Everyone was herded (yeah, pretty sure I used the right word) off for the Nature Walk. It's times like this I contemplate feigning illness. Hah! But who am I kidding, I know I need the sun and a work out.

Le kids lining up.

How does one describe a "Nature Walk"? I got so much closer to Mother Nature! I traversed the jungle path courting disaster walking so close to the edge with nothing more than some vines and my wit to keep me on my feet!

Close enough.

But truth be told, it wasn't that bad. There weren't any mozzies, that's a plus. The only thing was the congestion! I swear, everywhere you go in Malaysia, be it in a car or on foot, you get stuck in traffic. :/

After what seemed like an eternity almost an hour.. we reached a clearing, what I assumed was our actual destination.

Behold! Horrible photography.

Which isn't the point. Anyway. We reached this lighthouse, overlooking the ocean. Did I mention how hot the day was? How the sun seemed to glare right at you? How the intense heat seemed to pierce right through every inch of your soul, setting it alight?

It was then I heard some people bursting out into the Pokemon theme song at the back. Mind you, I was so tempted to sing along. Well.. I did. :D On the bright (literally) side, the view was spectacular.

Uhm.. crowd was moving, didn't want to fall behind, lifted phone into air and just snapped a few. Haha.

The way back was much better. We took the good ol' paved road. No more slithering about overhanging branches and dodging vines and trying to keep your feet away from the cliff and what lay below. Solid flat ground, just the way I liked it. So much more room, less stuffy, more airy, cooling, oh so gooooood. Reached camp in record time!

Everyone was then given a short break, to freshen up and relax before the much anticipated performance night. Watched my group practice a few more times.

Go P1! :D

I was whisked off to help out with the sound preparation then. So much editing, so little time. My clothes were still wet (splashed myself with water towards the end of the walk), so I must say, the hall felt a tad chilly. Finished everything just in time for a quick dinner, after freshening up. Oh, it felt sooooo relaxing in the shower. Didn't want to get out. :p

Well. It's time folks!

The platform for tonight.

The spirit in the hall was pretty high,

P1 in action! :)

P4 setting up later on.

As I watch them perform, a wave of pride washed over me. Hee. :3 They were so good too.

But, the performance that stole the night (for me) was this,

Go P2! Wigglewigglewiggle YEAHH.

Despite only getting runner up, in my heart, they won. :) The winner for this year? MBBS again... another sketch. Haihhh. Well. T'was funny, I'll give it that.

Before the festivities were over, the MBBS students gathered, to perform... something. Didn't quite catch what they were actually doing over the background noise. Supposedly a suprise for Pharmacy and Psychology students..? Beats me. *shrug

A final debriefing by none other than the MUPhaS president himself, Soo!

Called it a day then. Or rather, only the juniors did. The guides, myself included had a post activity meeting and evaluation. Sharing our thoughts and hearts, keng sam si (in cantonese) Gahaha.

Day only ended at 3.30 for me. Everyone else went to bed earlier. Didn't want to keep everyone awake when only 1 could work at that time. Prepared the video presentation for the last day. That concludes this post, at long last. :)

Stay tuned for Part 3! :)

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