I realize that I'm not exactly much of a picture person, much more when it comes to blogging. So this time around I'll dedicate this post to the many snapshots I've taken during my university heres. It's barely been one and a half years but I've already went through so much with the people I call Pharmily. (:
Met this bugger who is asleep 140% of the time in classes, and has somewhat influenced me to do the same.
Learnt from the master himself.
Met crazy friends.
Indulged in VERY fattening dietary hobbies.
Syok sendiri camwhoring sessions.
Going nuts during the study break.
Cut up a rat.
Relived old hobbies.
Met old friends.
Found a new love.
Road trip to penang.
Went for camp.
And help lead the next camp.
And found my place. :)
And closed another chapter in this book of life.
These past few years have been good to me. I just need to focus on the joys, as life is never as predictable as one as controlling as myself would like. But you just gotta make do. :')
Kinoc, out.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Doodle #184
Okay.. Why on earth has the blog posting system been changed into this funky thing?
WHYYY?!?!? I can't get used to this wtf.
I miss the old Blogger =.= Wtf.
Lost my train of thought, no thanks to this new funky system. So I'll skip today's post.
Kthxbai, Kinoc out.
WHYYY?!?!? I can't get used to this wtf.
I miss the old Blogger =.= Wtf.
Lost my train of thought, no thanks to this new funky system. So I'll skip today's post.
Kthxbai, Kinoc out.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Doodle #183
First and foremost, I'm sorry guys. Meant to update this page sooner, but I just got caught up in work y'know. Pharmacy students. Pfft. I won't bore you with the nonchalant details. It's been a pretty standard week anyway. The only thing I have to share is my awesome driving experience on Monday, and the tutorial session I had earlier today.
I won't say I'm the best driver I know, far from it. Then again, I can't possibly be the worst one out there now can I? Maybe I just had bad luck, or I just make very bad route choices. So it was a bright sunny Monday, and classes just ended. Somewhat tired for the day, but looking forward to getting home, I set off. Hit the summit intersection, like any other normal day. As I needed to head into KESAS, the route required that I cut from the leftmost into the rightmost lane within a given length of roadway, a fairly arduous task during peak congestion hours. Seeing this big empty stretch to my right, I gave it a few seconds before I turned in. You know, just to be safe. The very moment I do so, some random dude decided it would be so cool to just floor in and cut left, directly into me. I had to swerve right to dodge the maniac, and luckily he didn't skewer me. Barely 5 seconds later, a truck decided to do the same. =.=
Reaching KK brought some comfort as I headed off to grab a late lunch for the day. Then I ran into this one car which decided drive really slowly in front of me. I thought hey, why not? Have a slow drive anyway. He then swung by the shoplot district, the same I was heading to. It was then he moved a little to the left and begun to slow down. It is a Malaysian norm to park literally IN FRONT of the store you were heading do and just run down to get your items, whether or not you seem to be impeding the path of at least the 3 cars you are parked against. So naturally, I moved right to bypass him. The moment I moved out, he decided "OH NO! I can't block people here. I should park! On my RIGHT side!" when there were like what? 5 parking spaces on his left? Without a warning, he swung right and I was THIS close to smacking his side.
Bloody idiots on the roads these days.
Mehhhh. It's not me larhhh!!!
Too lazy to write about tutorial, save that we were taught how to contact a prescriber should any problems arise with a patient's prescription. Pretty interesting experience. I just need to work on my confidence. Hehhh.
Kinoc, out.
I won't say I'm the best driver I know, far from it. Then again, I can't possibly be the worst one out there now can I? Maybe I just had bad luck, or I just make very bad route choices. So it was a bright sunny Monday, and classes just ended. Somewhat tired for the day, but looking forward to getting home, I set off. Hit the summit intersection, like any other normal day. As I needed to head into KESAS, the route required that I cut from the leftmost into the rightmost lane within a given length of roadway, a fairly arduous task during peak congestion hours. Seeing this big empty stretch to my right, I gave it a few seconds before I turned in. You know, just to be safe. The very moment I do so, some random dude decided it would be so cool to just floor in and cut left, directly into me. I had to swerve right to dodge the maniac, and luckily he didn't skewer me. Barely 5 seconds later, a truck decided to do the same. =.=
Reaching KK brought some comfort as I headed off to grab a late lunch for the day. Then I ran into this one car which decided drive really slowly in front of me. I thought hey, why not? Have a slow drive anyway. He then swung by the shoplot district, the same I was heading to. It was then he moved a little to the left and begun to slow down. It is a Malaysian norm to park literally IN FRONT of the store you were heading do and just run down to get your items, whether or not you seem to be impeding the path of at least the 3 cars you are parked against. So naturally, I moved right to bypass him. The moment I moved out, he decided "OH NO! I can't block people here. I should park! On my RIGHT side!" when there were like what? 5 parking spaces on his left? Without a warning, he swung right and I was THIS close to smacking his side.
Bloody idiots on the roads these days.
Mehhhh. It's not me larhhh!!!
Too lazy to write about tutorial, save that we were taught how to contact a prescriber should any problems arise with a patient's prescription. Pretty interesting experience. I just need to work on my confidence. Hehhh.
Kinoc, out.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Doodle #182
Like the rising sun that shines, awake my soul.
I can't believe I'm actually so pressed by boredom I'll begin to write an utterly nonsensical post, right before heading off to revise. This is what happens when you have absolutely nothing to do. I know I know, there's tons of chores to catch up on and whatnot but I can find neither motivation nor want to attend to any of them.
Remember a time I had mentioned that I will update this page more often thanks to the holidays? I suppose I won't be able to live up to that. So much for a much needed break, yeah right. To date, every single holiday that has come to pass has done nothing for me save making me want classes to begin all over again. Every single one, since my college days. Frankly, it's pretty saddening.
Writing that, I realize that the most eventful holidays I had were actually back in highschool. Can't say I remember much from those days. Primacy and recency, and everything else in between is lost due to displacement by newer memories. My memory storage is failing me more often lately, a sure sign that I'm getting old. :/ Reminiscence of the childhood days does not do me any good either. I miss the simpler days.
Not that I'm complaining of the present, but it just seems so full of worry. Being my lazy self, I procrastinate almost everything and that only adds to my daily conundrums. =.= Mehhh. The fact that I feel like I've covered most of the lectures to date offers some comfort, mixed in with a tinge of complacency. Have I ever mentioned how I absolutely loathe the thought of having an exam the moment you get off from your holidays? This isn't a holiday, it's a study break! There just doesn't seem to be anyone free anyway. Guess I'll just hold out for the remaining 12 or so hours before my routine begins again. Being in a routine gives me a sense of comfort. It's just like being in a bubble, my very own comfort zone. Yeah, I'm one of those people who must have everything planned down to the minute details. Funny how I don't seem to have a timetable for myself though. :D My time management is horrible.
I have this fleeting desire to head over to Meeples again, I NEED DISCWORLD. :D 1 round was nowhere near enough. That and I wanna head over to Peppercorn again. Now I'm just rambling. Hee. :3
Still, it was pretty funny listening to Mun explaining the whole process and trying to picture it out in my mind. Like a bro said, the only reason you keep bringing the same things up is because you still care. Nuff' said. :D
The only thing for me to do now is just sit still, least till I find out the results of my application. Despite overwhelming odds.. Well right, I don't expect them to offer me a place. Not in this semester, I'm far from the top anyway. All that's there to do is pull myself together and gear up for the next semester. In a sense, I have to ace this current semester and reapply the next to get a place in the following semester. Geddit?
Which is a challenge enough for me.
Yes, this post makes no sense whatsoever. Oh, how I love jumping from topic to topic with no visible switch in between. It's just so abrupt, much like my thought processes. :D
Maybe I'll start writing again, if I ever find a muse for a piece. I should stop with the clichéd themes. They've always been about the same few things, just going about in circles.
I've reached the point boredom is prompting me to listen to NMR. Hobey-ho, let's go.
Kinoc, out.
I can't believe I'm actually so pressed by boredom I'll begin to write an utterly nonsensical post, right before heading off to revise. This is what happens when you have absolutely nothing to do. I know I know, there's tons of chores to catch up on and whatnot but I can find neither motivation nor want to attend to any of them.
Remember a time I had mentioned that I will update this page more often thanks to the holidays? I suppose I won't be able to live up to that. So much for a much needed break, yeah right. To date, every single holiday that has come to pass has done nothing for me save making me want classes to begin all over again. Every single one, since my college days. Frankly, it's pretty saddening.
Writing that, I realize that the most eventful holidays I had were actually back in highschool. Can't say I remember much from those days. Primacy and recency, and everything else in between is lost due to displacement by newer memories. My memory storage is failing me more often lately, a sure sign that I'm getting old. :/ Reminiscence of the childhood days does not do me any good either. I miss the simpler days.
Not that I'm complaining of the present, but it just seems so full of worry. Being my lazy self, I procrastinate almost everything and that only adds to my daily conundrums. =.= Mehhh. The fact that I feel like I've covered most of the lectures to date offers some comfort, mixed in with a tinge of complacency. Have I ever mentioned how I absolutely loathe the thought of having an exam the moment you get off from your holidays? This isn't a holiday, it's a study break! There just doesn't seem to be anyone free anyway. Guess I'll just hold out for the remaining 12 or so hours before my routine begins again. Being in a routine gives me a sense of comfort. It's just like being in a bubble, my very own comfort zone. Yeah, I'm one of those people who must have everything planned down to the minute details. Funny how I don't seem to have a timetable for myself though. :D My time management is horrible.
I have this fleeting desire to head over to Meeples again, I NEED DISCWORLD. :D 1 round was nowhere near enough. That and I wanna head over to Peppercorn again. Now I'm just rambling. Hee. :3
Still, it was pretty funny listening to Mun explaining the whole process and trying to picture it out in my mind. Like a bro said, the only reason you keep bringing the same things up is because you still care. Nuff' said. :D
The only thing for me to do now is just sit still, least till I find out the results of my application. Despite overwhelming odds.. Well right, I don't expect them to offer me a place. Not in this semester, I'm far from the top anyway. All that's there to do is pull myself together and gear up for the next semester. In a sense, I have to ace this current semester and reapply the next to get a place in the following semester. Geddit?
Which is a challenge enough for me.
Yes, this post makes no sense whatsoever. Oh, how I love jumping from topic to topic with no visible switch in between. It's just so abrupt, much like my thought processes. :D
Maybe I'll start writing again, if I ever find a muse for a piece. I should stop with the clichéd themes. They've always been about the same few things, just going about in circles.
I've reached the point boredom is prompting me to listen to NMR. Hobey-ho, let's go.
Kinoc, out.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Doodle #181 : Holidays hashtag 1
Mid way through the holidays, and finally an outing. I assume this is the part I jump for joy. *jumps
Can't say it's been an eventful few days. Did I ever mention how I had the ENTIRE holiday planned out? Well, time to throw that out the window because on Day 1 itself, I found out that the moment we stepped back into uni, a 10% test awaited us. So you could instantly cross off about 90% of the plans I had. What a killjoy. I bloody hate placing tests right after a holiday, why don't you just call it a study break for goodness sake? Don't name something a mid sem break when you're going to swarm us all with revision.
Meh. I iz disappoint. With many things. :3
Well, least today went smoothly! And to think we came up with everything the night before. Hah, can always count on them. What we didn't count on was the fact that was a PUBLIC HOLIDAY.
Reached Sunway U by 10.10, I actually brought the meet up time forward by an hour. The initial plan was to head over to pyramid and go ice skating. Mun's idea, as she has never skated in her life. Low and behold, by the time we got to Pyramid at 10.30, the rink was PACKED. The kind of crowd you'd expect at roughly 12pm on a weekday. And an impossibly long line to boot. The pricing was the final nail in the coffin, glanced over at the signage to see that it cost RM25 to skate. Okay! Time for alternate solutions.
Waited for Joshiee and Marc to join us first.
Plan B! Headed over to the cinema for a movie. We thought we'd just catch whatever good that's on now which none of us had seen yet. After all, it was only 10.30AM. Sure! *walk walk walk..
JENGJENGJENG. THE CINEMA WAS PACKED TO THE BRIM =.= Oh why must you do this to us?
After a spur of the moment inspirational moment, we headed over to the adjacent Arcade. Played a few rounds of Terminator and Time Crisis. Damn, I'm outta practice. And the former really requires reaction time. The enemies shoot pretty darned fast, and I found myself dead after.. 5-10 minutes. =.= Covered too much for my teammate.
Detoured over to Archery next. :3

Archers, hold!
It's been a very long while since I last fired an arrow, 3 years in fact. I can still remember the brusing I got the first time I played as I didn't held the bow right, cause I showed the bruise to a friend back in school. Hah!

Can't say I had the best of aims. When I drew the bow back, I could see the arrow, it wasn't even straight! The arrow itself was wavy. Is that supposed to be right? :/
Once that was said and done, we headed back to college (it'll always be college to be, despite having been granted university status) and my car. Drove over to SS15 for lunch.
Peppercorn Cafe! This time it was open! :D Omnomnom. Discovered it thanks to uni friends. (:
After some deliberation on what to do next.. Well we were going to head over someplace for dessert. At first, thought of heading to uptown or SS2 but none of us had any idea where anything is.. aaaaaand our lunch set came with dessert. :p
So we needed a hangout spot. Then Marc shouted out "Meeples". Without a second's hesitation, TIME TO GO. :D
Among us, only Marc had been there. I didn't know this place existed until only a few months ago when one of my friends brought it up. Hee. :3
First, we played this game, Catan. I think that's what you call it. Anyways, just look at the picture if it's right.

Strategy based. :3
Mun said these looked like hearts. :D

Le city building in full swing.
And outta nowhere, "EH! I win ady!" Mun. =.= Aware la please, dam potong weih suddenly shout out you win when we still planning our next moves.
Time for round #2.

Another strategy game. Got the low down from one of the employees there, sounded pretty interesting. I was determined to take this game.

The board for the second game.
ALAS. No dice. Marc won =.= Too preoccupied with blocking both Joshiee and Mun I forgot about him.
Finished the day with bubble tea. Yep, it's been a good day :)
Guess I should study at least ONE lecture today. :D Kthxbai.
Kinoc, out.
Can't say it's been an eventful few days. Did I ever mention how I had the ENTIRE holiday planned out? Well, time to throw that out the window because on Day 1 itself, I found out that the moment we stepped back into uni, a 10% test awaited us. So you could instantly cross off about 90% of the plans I had. What a killjoy. I bloody hate placing tests right after a holiday, why don't you just call it a study break for goodness sake? Don't name something a mid sem break when you're going to swarm us all with revision.
Meh. I iz disappoint. With many things. :3
Well, least today went smoothly! And to think we came up with everything the night before. Hah, can always count on them. What we didn't count on was the fact that was a PUBLIC HOLIDAY.
Reached Sunway U by 10.10, I actually brought the meet up time forward by an hour. The initial plan was to head over to pyramid and go ice skating. Mun's idea, as she has never skated in her life. Low and behold, by the time we got to Pyramid at 10.30, the rink was PACKED. The kind of crowd you'd expect at roughly 12pm on a weekday. And an impossibly long line to boot. The pricing was the final nail in the coffin, glanced over at the signage to see that it cost RM25 to skate. Okay! Time for alternate solutions.
Waited for Joshiee and Marc to join us first.
Plan B! Headed over to the cinema for a movie. We thought we'd just catch whatever good that's on now which none of us had seen yet. After all, it was only 10.30AM. Sure! *walk walk walk..
JENGJENGJENG. THE CINEMA WAS PACKED TO THE BRIM =.= Oh why must you do this to us?
After a spur of the moment inspirational moment, we headed over to the adjacent Arcade. Played a few rounds of Terminator and Time Crisis. Damn, I'm outta practice. And the former really requires reaction time. The enemies shoot pretty darned fast, and I found myself dead after.. 5-10 minutes. =.= Covered too much for my teammate.
Detoured over to Archery next. :3

Archers, hold!
It's been a very long while since I last fired an arrow, 3 years in fact. I can still remember the brusing I got the first time I played as I didn't held the bow right, cause I showed the bruise to a friend back in school. Hah!

Can't say I had the best of aims. When I drew the bow back, I could see the arrow, it wasn't even straight! The arrow itself was wavy. Is that supposed to be right? :/
Once that was said and done, we headed back to college (it'll always be college to be, despite having been granted university status) and my car. Drove over to SS15 for lunch.
Peppercorn Cafe! This time it was open! :D Omnomnom. Discovered it thanks to uni friends. (:
After some deliberation on what to do next.. Well we were going to head over someplace for dessert. At first, thought of heading to uptown or SS2 but none of us had any idea where anything is.. aaaaaand our lunch set came with dessert. :p
So we needed a hangout spot. Then Marc shouted out "Meeples". Without a second's hesitation, TIME TO GO. :D
Among us, only Marc had been there. I didn't know this place existed until only a few months ago when one of my friends brought it up. Hee. :3
First, we played this game, Catan. I think that's what you call it. Anyways, just look at the picture if it's right.

Strategy based. :3

Mun said these looked like hearts. :D

Le city building in full swing.
And outta nowhere, "EH! I win ady!" Mun. =.= Aware la please, dam potong weih suddenly shout out you win when we still planning our next moves.
Time for round #2.

Another strategy game. Got the low down from one of the employees there, sounded pretty interesting. I was determined to take this game.

The board for the second game.
ALAS. No dice. Marc won =.= Too preoccupied with blocking both Joshiee and Mun I forgot about him.
Finished the day with bubble tea. Yep, it's been a good day :)
Guess I should study at least ONE lecture today. :D Kthxbai.
Kinoc, out.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Doodle #180: Chromeheart: Revelations
Hi guys! I'm back, and hopefully this coming week will be an eventful one.
First thing's first, the reason I'm back is this. I'm finally on my mid semester break! This is the part you people jump for joy. Go on, jump! :D
I've been waiting for this break since forever, and possibly for the first time ever, I'll have a fully planned holiday. :) Kicking off this break, was Chromeheart: Revelations, an Easter production at City Harvest Church Kuala Lumpur (CHCKL).
Best part was, class ended early that day! We took off at roughly 12.30pm when our scheduled ending time was 4pm. Awesome, no? Though I wouldn't say we spent the next few hours in the most productive manner.
Coming back to this, DAMN. CHROMEHEART WAS SOOOOO GOOD. SOOO GOOD. Words cannot explain how good it was. It was just.. so good. I assume you can see my excitement. Got home and got ready and left for CHCKL at 7pm-ish. Found my usual spot along the corner, and it was only 7.20pm then. The halls would only be opened at 8pm, which left me plenty of time to kill.
Found myself standing next to a burger stall sometime later. There was this "pasar malam", assortment of food stalls for those of you who don't speak Malay, right outside. They sold everything from Char Kuey Teow to burgers to Uncle Bob's fried chicken.
Sometime later, Samuel found me lingering over my burger dinner. I was then taken on a tour of CHCKL, just checking out their facilities and buildings as we've way over half an hour to kill then. Damn, they have a pretty sweet gym. And for RM50 a month.. *contemplates. All I need now is a gym buddy. Su Jean joined us soon after.
Time to line up for the doors! It's times like these I'm grateful we came early. There were probably.. 10 people in front of us, and roughly 1000 behind. JUST WOW at the crowd. Didn't snap the crowd then. Didn't cross my mind.


The doors were opened at 8.15pm. ONWARDS! Sorry for the blurry shots, was walking and stuff.
We found ourselves seated in the upper mid section of the hall. Pretty sweet view I'd say. There weren't any chairs though, and we just sat on the.. whatever you call the seats in an auditorium. Nevertheless, it was pretty comfortable.. until we were asked to do a "City Harvest Sardine Squeeze (CHSS)" then it got pretty stuffed.
Despite the lack of comfort and personal space, you could feel the excitement building up. Personally, I wanted to see for myself how good the play was. I had looked at the trailer a week back and wow, the trailer was pretty good. So yeah, I had this baseline expectation right off the bat. :)

The stage.
Kicking off the night, there was a performance. A very Lambert-isque singer came up onto stage and sang Set Fire to the Rain. Daaaaaaaamn, that was a good show. Heh, pumped up the mood.
No pictures though. :p

The head pastor (is that what you call the position?) giving his opening speech and initiating the night.

Jamie and Samuel, the City Harvest people who invited us. Wheee. Thanks for the invite again! :)

Tick tock tick tock. Oh, I have to bring this up. I LOVE their video animations.
Will just speed through the story here. Pictures will describe the scenes. :D As I've no idea what each group of people were called (and much too lazy to research them, I'll just denote them good and evil. Simple enough, right?)

The beginning. Anticipation builds, adrenaline rush. Hee.



BOOM! The evil faction has set its plan into motion, using black magic to resurrect (who I assumed to be) their leader. Who had a kickass costume, I might add.

Enter the hero faction! Nowhere near as cool, but they brandish some pretty mean looking spears and this really cool sword. (which will be used later on).

The main protagonist of the story. (Uhm.. the iPhone camera isn't exactly known for its zoom or quality)
Story-wise, it's your classic Good vs. Evil theme. A war's been going on between the two and events of late has caused it to escalate to a tipping point. Just a background story.
Now, introducing more background characters and story. Don't have any shots here, but a third faction existed. Let's just say they're more of a 'neutral' group of people who want to live in peace but are caught in between the ongoing war between the heroes and villains of the tale.

Sorry you can't really see anything here. But this was probably one of the most... goosebumps inducing scenes in the play. I literally went WHOAAAA. The lights are actually.. flourescent. butterfly nets. Think gigantic fireflies. Mood setters. Yeah. :)

Now THIS just creeped me out. =.=


Both factions prepare for the imminent war, they know a clash is inevitable. Wanting to control what's known as.. The Tree of Life (my memorys a bit vague at this point in time).

Conflict arises, as the villains obtain an unexpected (yet clichéd) key player in their scheme.

The climax is approaching, as both sides engage in all out war.

And things take an unexpected turn, before the final showdown between the protagonist and antagonist.
Next thing I know, it all ended. Samuel told me there was supposed to be a hidden meaning in the ending but for all I know.. it didn't exactly turn out the way I expected one bit.

Sudden change in scene.... really gives me that ME3 vibe. Those who played would know how I feel. =.=
ANYWAY. Overall, Chromeheart was AWEEEEEESOMEEEEEEE.. Words cannot describe what I felt after. It was so well executed. Heard that it took 6 months to prepare but wow, it feels like a pretty short time frame to set everything up and choreograph everything.
Awesome. :D
Today (Sunday) was the last day it'll be played at CHCKL and for those of you who didn't go, you really missed out. :D

Final shot, of everyone who played a part in making everything happen.
:D Not a bad start to the holidays, time to kick things into gear.
Side note, buddy meeting ytd. Hee. Sing K! :DDD
First thing's first, the reason I'm back is this. I'm finally on my mid semester break! This is the part you people jump for joy. Go on, jump! :D
I've been waiting for this break since forever, and possibly for the first time ever, I'll have a fully planned holiday. :) Kicking off this break, was Chromeheart: Revelations, an Easter production at City Harvest Church Kuala Lumpur (CHCKL).
Best part was, class ended early that day! We took off at roughly 12.30pm when our scheduled ending time was 4pm. Awesome, no? Though I wouldn't say we spent the next few hours in the most productive manner.
Coming back to this, DAMN. CHROMEHEART WAS SOOOOO GOOD. SOOO GOOD. Words cannot explain how good it was. It was just.. so good. I assume you can see my excitement. Got home and got ready and left for CHCKL at 7pm-ish. Found my usual spot along the corner, and it was only 7.20pm then. The halls would only be opened at 8pm, which left me plenty of time to kill.
Found myself standing next to a burger stall sometime later. There was this "pasar malam", assortment of food stalls for those of you who don't speak Malay, right outside. They sold everything from Char Kuey Teow to burgers to Uncle Bob's fried chicken.
Sometime later, Samuel found me lingering over my burger dinner. I was then taken on a tour of CHCKL, just checking out their facilities and buildings as we've way over half an hour to kill then. Damn, they have a pretty sweet gym. And for RM50 a month.. *contemplates. All I need now is a gym buddy. Su Jean joined us soon after.
Time to line up for the doors! It's times like these I'm grateful we came early. There were probably.. 10 people in front of us, and roughly 1000 behind. JUST WOW at the crowd. Didn't snap the crowd then. Didn't cross my mind.


The doors were opened at 8.15pm. ONWARDS! Sorry for the blurry shots, was walking and stuff.
We found ourselves seated in the upper mid section of the hall. Pretty sweet view I'd say. There weren't any chairs though, and we just sat on the.. whatever you call the seats in an auditorium. Nevertheless, it was pretty comfortable.. until we were asked to do a "City Harvest Sardine Squeeze (CHSS)" then it got pretty stuffed.
Despite the lack of comfort and personal space, you could feel the excitement building up. Personally, I wanted to see for myself how good the play was. I had looked at the trailer a week back and wow, the trailer was pretty good. So yeah, I had this baseline expectation right off the bat. :)

The stage.
Kicking off the night, there was a performance. A very Lambert-isque singer came up onto stage and sang Set Fire to the Rain. Daaaaaaaamn, that was a good show. Heh, pumped up the mood.
No pictures though. :p

The head pastor (is that what you call the position?) giving his opening speech and initiating the night.

Jamie and Samuel, the City Harvest people who invited us. Wheee. Thanks for the invite again! :)

Tick tock tick tock. Oh, I have to bring this up. I LOVE their video animations.
Will just speed through the story here. Pictures will describe the scenes. :D As I've no idea what each group of people were called (and much too lazy to research them, I'll just denote them good and evil. Simple enough, right?)

The beginning. Anticipation builds, adrenaline rush. Hee.



BOOM! The evil faction has set its plan into motion, using black magic to resurrect (who I assumed to be) their leader. Who had a kickass costume, I might add.

Enter the hero faction! Nowhere near as cool, but they brandish some pretty mean looking spears and this really cool sword. (which will be used later on).

The main protagonist of the story. (Uhm.. the iPhone camera isn't exactly known for its zoom or quality)
Story-wise, it's your classic Good vs. Evil theme. A war's been going on between the two and events of late has caused it to escalate to a tipping point. Just a background story.
Now, introducing more background characters and story. Don't have any shots here, but a third faction existed. Let's just say they're more of a 'neutral' group of people who want to live in peace but are caught in between the ongoing war between the heroes and villains of the tale.

Sorry you can't really see anything here. But this was probably one of the most... goosebumps inducing scenes in the play. I literally went WHOAAAA. The lights are actually.. flourescent. butterfly nets. Think gigantic fireflies. Mood setters. Yeah. :)

Now THIS just creeped me out. =.=


Both factions prepare for the imminent war, they know a clash is inevitable. Wanting to control what's known as.. The Tree of Life (my memorys a bit vague at this point in time).

Conflict arises, as the villains obtain an unexpected (yet clichéd) key player in their scheme.

The climax is approaching, as both sides engage in all out war.

And things take an unexpected turn, before the final showdown between the protagonist and antagonist.
Next thing I know, it all ended. Samuel told me there was supposed to be a hidden meaning in the ending but for all I know.. it didn't exactly turn out the way I expected one bit.

Sudden change in scene.... really gives me that ME3 vibe. Those who played would know how I feel. =.=
ANYWAY. Overall, Chromeheart was AWEEEEEESOMEEEEEEE.. Words cannot describe what I felt after. It was so well executed. Heard that it took 6 months to prepare but wow, it feels like a pretty short time frame to set everything up and choreograph everything.
Awesome. :D
Today (Sunday) was the last day it'll be played at CHCKL and for those of you who didn't go, you really missed out. :D

Final shot, of everyone who played a part in making everything happen.
:D Not a bad start to the holidays, time to kick things into gear.
Side note, buddy meeting ytd. Hee. Sing K! :DDD
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