Monday, June 4, 2012

Doodle #194

Well, I'm back for a bit.

The past week still feels surreal. Has it really been a week? It's Monday at the moment and I'm staring my exams straight in the face. Speaking realistically, this may very well be my weakest semester to date (maybe just one of many more to come).

Running to and fro really took a toll on my state of mind. I'm exhausted both physically and mentally. You could probably get a clue from my previous few posts but yeah, I'm never one to spell things out for people. Life is but temporary, a transition if you please, onto something greater. I guess more of my friends rubbed off me than I realize. Guess I just gotta step back and take a breather, enjoy the little things in life.

I finally said goodbye. A piece of tradition I was never fond of, but had the responsibility to do. Blood is thicker than water, and I'm sure I would have regretted it had I decided to bail on things. Not just for me, but for my family as well. Communication has never been my forte, even more so when language and time played their parts. But I know you know how I feel, wherever you are. :) And family is the one thing that'll never change.

On a side note, I may or may not have mentioned it but I managed to sprain my foot in an accident. Goes to show I shouldn't attempt anything reckless after my body has cooled down, despite the initial warm up. Worst part is I'll be down and out for 3 weeks (this is currently the second), but I find comfort in the fact that by the time 3 weeks end, so will my exams. There goes another semester. One wonders where all that time went. So much has changed, and fate only has so much more planned for me.

I'll try my very best to make the most of the holidays. Only have one confirmed plan though, beside the tentative ones. Here I am talking about the holidays when exams haven't even begun yet. If there's one thing that's constant, it's how I seem to pay less and less attention as exams draw near. The fear is so great that it's desensitived my limbic system. Mehh.

2 days left till exams begin, and another 10 days after that till it ends. I can't wait. :)

Essence of time,
Temporary in existence,
Unchanging in nature,
Cherish every moment passed,
Reach out to every memory,
A memorandum to the past,
A sign for the future.

Gotta start baking again when the holidays start. Yes, I do bake. :D On a completely unrelated note, I kind of miss those 2 idiots. Heh.

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