Monday, March 5, 2012

Doodle #172

So awhile back my friend was telling me how my doodles weren't exactly doodles. If you take the literal meaning, I do suppose that doodles are mere drawings you make when you're bored in class and stuff. The most completely random things that come to mind.

Well, it's time for yet another "filler" post! I shall begin rambling on about random insignificant issues in my mundane life.

The briefing for the Buddy system is tomorrow. It's some initiative to encourage mingling among the different years in the Pharmacy school, seniors and juniors alike. Personally, I think it's a good idea. Frankly, I rarely know any of my seniors, save for those who were guides at my camp, those who took the first aid course with me, and those that were fellow guides just a few weeks ago. Skimmed the groupings and realized I knew less than half the seniors on the list. So yeah.

That aside, the first day of Week 2 was okay I guess. Managed to stay awake throughout classes. I actually followed the lecture on proteins. I DID NOT GET LOST.

Achievement unlocked!

Too tired. Time for bed. Kthxbai.

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