Monday, May 31, 2010

My Sweetheart Smells Like Pure

How many times have you felt the anticipation of seeing your loved ones? The little tingly feeling you get when you see his or her face bobbing around in the distance, slowly making his/her way to you. Aww, how sweet.. BUT THEN *cue disc scratching sound* The smell of his/her odour reaches you as you cringe in horror.

That's a BIGGGGGG NO-NO! Is it not? Well it is for me. I just can't stand the thought of her smelling putrid. Now although that's completely a ridiculous thought (which I'm convinced will NEVER ever happen since she's very well groomed) a little boost won't hurt. Yes, we all know that a little help won't hurt. But have you ever felt the overwhelming sensation when you get a whiff of all the cologne and perfume? Of course, that's exactly what perfumes are meant to do but at times, you truly can get TOO MUCH of a good thing.

Adidas has a whole new range of products for Men and Women designed to curb such problems. So why not get one for that special someone of yours? :)

To me, I feel that PURE (Pure Anti-Perspirant Spray) is the product for that special someone of mine (:! As it name implies, PURE means untainted, clean, and completely authentic, and that is exactly what she is to me. No make-up, no cover-up, just plain ol' her.

PURE is also completely unscented, so any unwanted smells are completely absent. You've heard the saying so many times "Don't fix what isn't broken..." and this applies to deodorants, perfumes and whatnot as well. You don't have to add in additional scents or smells, you just retain whats natural and this is one of the strong points of using PURE.

The fact that's also 0% alcohol coupled with anti-whitening properties make it PERFECT for her. Numbers of white marks on her body and clothes will be reduced, plus she has never been a big fan of alcohol. Long term perspiration protection in addition to these two advantages make me feel as though the product was designed just for her :)

For those of you out there who knows what it feels like to have that special someone with you..
Ask yourself now, would you rather have a girlfriend who smells completely naturally like herself, or like a whole bunch of counterfeit scents all wrapped into one package?

While you contemplate on that issue, why not take your mind off things and enjoy a little movie? Or movies in this case :)

Project Alpha is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS.

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