Sunday, December 12, 2010

Of Gatherings and Traditions

As I've mentioned earlier in a short note or post (which I've deleted), I helped organized a 5Sc1 reunion gathering a few days back. It was definitely worth the effort. Everyone was to meet at KFC, Carrefour at 6pm.

I guess I could say quite a lot of people turned up, with the e
xception of around 5 people who cancelled and a few more who couldn't make it. Well, there's always next year! Speaking of which, maybe the reunion should be turned into an annual event. :)

Randomly snapped some photos while we were at KFC.

Chatted, talked, caught up, laughed, whole lotta stuff for over an hour waiting for the last of the attendees to show up.

Then it was off to Jon's place for Part 2 of the gathering.

Kinect and Band Hero.

It's been awhile since I've had an evening this awesome. Ain't gonna write much, just know that it was a crapload of laughter.

Videos shall be uploaded onto Facebook.

Yes I know, I'm not much of an event blogger, which is why I'm skipping out the Ipoh trip. I ain't got much to write on it.

On another note, first day of work tomorrow!

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