Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Doodle #190

It's been awhile since I wrote anything.. thoughtful, so to speak. *deep breath* So here goes nothing.. 

Two paths,
Two stories,
Two hearts,

As I stare into the horizon, I find solace in the fact that the week is almost over. And yet, I wish that it would never end. To grab time by its reins and hold it in place, to stay unmoving as the world passes on by. A pang of guilt accompanies every notion that creeps itself into my consciousness. I've come so far, yet the journey is overshadowed by what lies ahead.

Well, that's about as much as I can manage. Guess I locked up whatever writing capabilities I had along with that darker side of me. Hah. Maybe someday I'll find that little piece of me again, amongst the other pieces scattered in the wind. :) A break from the hustle and bustle, that's what I need.

Ironically, I find myself on the opposite side now. A fleeting moment where I stepped into the shoes of the forgotten, and saw things from a different perspective. Things played out in black and white, and yet I saw shades of grey. To shoulder the weight of experience is anything but a simple task. When you reach a fork in the road, they may branch off in directions so different that they never cross again. Seven was the memento I carried, a symbol to how much life can change in an instant. One that remains indefinitely.

Time gives, and time takes.

I blame the coffee, caffeine acts as a stimulant and causes anxiety. So that's been the root of my problem! :D

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