Sunday, February 20, 2011


Today marks the very final day of my 2010/2011 holidays. It's always the very final few hours of the day that really jolts you into reality. I had spent the entire day living it out like basically every other day in my life. Not truly bothered by the fact that as of tomorrow, I'll officially be studying at Monash. It's now, exactly 11:39PM as I write this post that reality is finally dawning on me.

I wouldn't say that I had just been sent into a spiralling wave of panic. Quite the contrary, I feel rather.. indifferent. My lack of enthusiasm really isn't justified. Maybe some parts of me aren't too keen on letting freedom slip from their grasp just like that despite my very constant rants of having too much freedom and time. Perhaps there will come a day where I'll eat my words, being completely wrong and unaware of the struggles that awaited me in university life.

That being said, it's time to get into the day's event.

As aforementioned, it was the very final day of my holidays. So how exactly did I spend this ever so momentous day? Movie at Pyramid with a couple of college mates. :)

The pick of the day : No Strings Attached.

I can safely say that this is one of the most anticipated movies - for me - ever since I laid eyes on the trailer. A guy and girl who hook up ever so often and a purely sexual relationship. Things are bound to go wrong. :)

I'll try to write a little about the movie and not just the very short efforts I tried on previous movies, without spoiling.. too much of it of course. :)
Plotwise, I'd say it was rather predictable. (it's a romantic comedy, there is NO other possible ending than a HAPPY one where both guy and girl miraculously gets together). However, that took none of the excitement out of watching the actual movie. It was pure laughter from start to finish. There was never a dull moment throughout the (approximately) 2 hours of screenplay. :)
I'll say this though, watch out for the compilation disc scene. :)
Oh right, watched it with Kelly and Su Qi. :) and also 2 of Su Qi's cousins and another 2 of their friends. (I'm sorry, my memory never ever registers names properly *sadface*)
Lunch at Kim Gary's.
That's the gist of it. I'd say that the day was spent well.

I only regret one thing, not being able to hold a full scale gathering with all the people I love from my surreal college life.

Dudes, and dudetts, we've still a badminton outing, a Genting trip (save those I'm going over with later this week), a Lagoon trip, and a trip to a random shopping mall we'd never go to on a normal basis, as well as driving around eating awesome food, and SNOWFLAKES! :)

Maybe tomorrow I'll try to get some writing down for blondie (she's not actually blond) who's residing in Australia at the moment. Feeling inspired from her essay efforts. :)

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