Sunday, February 13, 2011

What'd You Say?

Thought of the day : I was so enchanted to meet you.

It's official, my computer's down and out. However, I shall view this as an opportunity.. To revive my oh so dead laptop! Hoorah! That aside, it's time to get some serious blogging down...


True, I just attended an awesome party. Street Party, at Jose's place with a lot of other people but more on that at a more appropriate time after I have completely uploaded all the photos and even a video of fireworks from earlier. All I can say for now is this, watching fireworks from afar, doesn't come close to watching them up close. I can only wish for one thing, to have someone to share that atmosphere with. :)

Which brings us to the pressing issue at hand.

There's only 42 minutes left to the 14th of February. To some of us, it's but another ordinary day to get on with our so uneventful lives. To the lucky ones, it's a day for you to specially honour your loved ones, the one you have given half your heart to. A special day indeed for them. For some other people, tomorrow they'll be sitting for a test. (Taylor's haha!)


It'll be a day I hope to change the course of my life.

The pieces are in place. I can already feel the adrenaline pump through my veins from this anticipation. Sometimes, the most ordinary events are those that turn out the most extraordinary. This time, I will see it through. Even if I crash and burn, I'd do so knowing I had tried something and not just let this flame extinguish itself. I'd much rather be extinguished by the words of another.

A rose in hand,
A message from a soul to another,
In hopes of making those two connect,
He set off into the horizon,
His heart bent on making its intentions known,
Would it suffice?

All he can do is have faith,
Faith in the impossible and that miracles do exist,
Because she's a miracle in his eyes.

Time and time again,
He fell upon his knees in anguish,
In the face of defeat,
He never lost hope.

This will be the day he changes his life,
Valentine's Day.

Would you be my valentine this year? (:

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