Well Beng Way had requested that I bring along my ps2 as well for the party. Although no1 really used it besides the 5 of us, including Gazi which would make 6 people, it was good in helping to pass the time. Haha. K back to the party thing, my mom had made sandwiches. Sardine. Lolx, ironicly enough I didn't eat any of it haha. When it was time to eat all I ate was pizza. Which Hong Ye brought I think.
Okay, the 1st event was.. Charades! I think that's how you spell it. The spelling checker thing edited it for me =D. It's basically a game where a few people try to act out smth which you have to guess. In this case it was movies! Haha we were divided into 2 groups.
Well.. that's group 1.. We didn't actually get names for our groups but who cares =D.
They actually did the whole "how many words, how many syllables stuff"
Epic members of my group.
Don, Wei Khang and Edwin with their epic charades skillz. (which weren't so epic) Couldn't beat zeh skillzorz of zeh epic Gazi lmao.
Then it was time for some game, where there's this person in the middle of a circle of people with a stick of decorated newspaper who's attempting to hit people with that decorated stick of newspaper, whatever the game is called. The name slipped my mind XD. It was a hell lotta fun especially when people mixed up names (calling the name of the person with the stick, saying their own names, just blurting out ahhhh)XD
Fear The Epic Jia Wei and his lighting fast reflexes.
Then it was time to eat after all the guessing and whacking =D
Doesn't all that food just look so tempting? Well in my case only the pizza did =D
Then after that time for MORE epic games. This time it was Mafia. The game where you go to sleep and wake up 'the next day' hoping to not have been killed by the 'mafia' which is kinda fun.. the 1st round and only if you're the 'Mafia' or at least have a role. If you're some 'Civilian'.. omg it's so friggin' boring! X_X Fear the Joel who was the "Game Master" who made us all go to sleep as he messed with our oh-so-fragile minds.
I feel so far I've already missed out quite alot of details but I'm sure you can go read other blogs to find out what I missed out. Oh yeah! Gazi! With the piano! Lmao. He was randomly playing songs on the piano which had gathered quite a crowd. Who were all asking Gazi to show his skillz but he was refusing, even Ash's offer of 1 buck just to play a song. Which was namely erm.. "wei khang's sad song" Whatever it was XD
Okay, I just remembered what I missed out. This game.. Where we were all divided into two groups (AGAIN) and each member from each group swapped names with a member from the other side. And basically, each group had to send a member out and the 2 people were seperated by this blanket thingy which was being held up by 2 people. When they dropped it, both the players had to say each other's swapped name before the other to bring that person into his/her group. And the 1st group to run outta people.. LOSES.. Lolx
Any Christmas related party would always have singing and/or caroling =D
And in this case, yes there was.
Notice WK and Gazi grappling each other in the background =O
GIFTS!!! For the gift exchange =D
Just read what Ash wrote on his gift "NOT TOBLERONE" Although it was [retty obvious it was XD
Well my gift was a snowglobe thingy. Although it was more wedding oriented than Christmas. Lmao. Nishaan got mine. Haha. And in return, I got.. Another snowglobe thingy! XD Which was some dolphin thing.. Kinda nice.. But I can't help but feel I've seen it somewhere before.. Namely a place called Newstation. Then again it could be just me. But luckily I didn't get the one Gazi gave. Pity wk, he got it lmao. TONIC WATER WTF!! Even Jia Wei's wrapped up 10 bucks (which Alicia got) was way better. Well Ash got a battery box which contained.. drumroll please... A TEDDY BEAR =D. Haha I think that was Natalie's gift. She had gotten a Gundam set.. But she gave it to me. Haha so I kinda have 2 gifts. Thanks Natalie! I appreciate it =D
The 2 gifts I had gotten.
Well I would write more but I'm so tired now. Damn facebook! Upload failed!!!
Lolx.. blah! Whatever, I'll do it tomorrow. So sleepy now. Done here. Ciaoz, see ya. GOODNIGHT!
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