Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Doodle #79

I couldn't help but sign in prior to calling it a day.

Guilty of taking the day off to slack today. I must say, the nagging thought at the back of my head will not let me live it down.

Current worries?

For starters, I've an ABE-F Written Test tomorrow. Heard it's only 11 questions but we've been designated a full hour to tackle it. It been on my nerves lately, or just today.

Then, there's the ever worrisome oral presentation. Having been told that content carries no points whatsoever, I set out to slash my points. I admit, it felt rather painful to mangle my hard work but alas, things had to be done. Couldn't present much within the 10 minute time constraint and I'm very sure my current slides overshoot the time limit. All that remains is to sort out my slides and practice over the weekend.

It seems I've gotten rid of speedtrain Kin Hoe. In his place, stutter and mumble Kin Hoe popped up. Urghh.. Maybe it's the lack of practice. I'm hoping to be able to bring out the speaker side of myself again. If only I was as motivated as I was for my Oral Examinations for last year. I had to speak to an Australian Examiner through a web program. Luckily it was purely audio, my excessive hand motions and descriptive motions may have made me look rather cumbersome on screen. Nevertheless, I was rather satisfied with the feedback then. I think I even spoke to a classmate I've never spoken to in months just because my tone had disrupted her exams. It's a little late now but sorryyyyyyy. Hahahah. :)

So yeah, no speedtrain, no stutter. BULLSHIT WITH CONFIDENCE. As we'll be graded based on our demeanor and speaking skills. I guess.

Lastly, Physio's still been on my mind. Finally kicked it into gear. Blood Brain Barrier.

Kinoc, out. :)

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