Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Doodle #85

Yet another post to end the night.

Have I ever mentioned that Physiology was never my cup of tea? Having said that, it's not like I've a choice on which units I can opt to take and hence, I should must give every single unit my all.

Which would probably be the best case scenario.

Of course, upholding my reputation as a procrastinator, I have put off such ideals. Time and time again, I slack off against my better judgement and I'm finally beginning to reap what I sow. The products of a complacent attitude. Peppered with careless errors, I can only hope to retain a decent percentage in my Physio MCQ test earlier today. Needless to say, the best course of action now would be to maintain an optimistic outlook on my studies and push on from this setback. As this only carries a rather small percentage (when you look at the overall picture), it's safe to say that I can still compensate for my numerous shortcomings throughout this semester.

It really is easier to maintain that optimistic outlook now.

To stray to an issue of a much smaller significant magnitude, it would be the third time that image has fluttered through my mind. I took this opportunity to revisit a place deep within the crevice of thoughts locked away with time. A vivid reminder of a person I was far from proud to be. I had raised my tone against those who sincerely cared, and played into the hands of those that did not. True, there's only two I wouldn't snap at.

Reflecting on oneself really brings out one's flaws. One I'm keen to erase. For there is more to life than being held in place pondering.

I must say, I was taken aback by the nonchalant manner my correspondent replied my mail. The embodiment of logical and no-nonsense speech, I am still far from her level. An amusing read, nonetheless.

Today's random thought? I smiled, from the inside. :)

Oh, I really do write in the most nonsensical manners. Hhahahaha. Wow. No wonder nothing ever sounds the way it's meant to feel when put into black and white. Rofl.

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