Sunday, July 10, 2011

Doodle #101 : Pavillion with the Blondies

Yeah, I had to save my 100th doodle for something special. :) LOL

Back to the matter at hand,

Sometime back, I headed down to Pavillion KL with the 2 blondies, and Stan. It was the first time I headed down to KL after almost a year. I can't remember the last time I went down with my family. Only this time it was with friends, my first time in fact. Another point to note is that we were being led by ß, Adeline.

Is it safe to say that we're in good hands?

First I had to get Stan from his place and also Blondie from hers before making our way to Adeline's place to gather. For some reason, I was unaware of the proper route from Blondie's place to Adeline's so I ended up taking the long way, a full circle going along the highway and back. Turns out there was a route only 1/3 as long. I felt like a dunce then. Then again, better safe than sorry, right?

Took the LRT down to KL Sentral from Taman Bahagia. Blondie-α seemed rather fascinated with it. We saw a kid who had really pretty eyelashes, enough to give Dave a run for his money. The kid was so young too. Probably 5 or so. Moving on, we took a slow walk down to the MRT station from KL Sentral. Maybe I'm more spoilt than I realize, blondie and I were exchanging ideas about how gruelling the walk was.

Several extensively long agonizing painful searing hot blazing hear hours under hot sun minutes later, we found ourselves at the Bukit Bintang stop, the station next to Sungei Wang. Headed towards Pavillion where we were stopped by a few shady looking people asking for our support in some random product I do not really cared about. They just kept nagging you on and on and on. Took me awhile to get away from the guy to rejoin the rest who had each shaken off their assailants naggers.

Another hour ten minutes or so we were there. Pavillion. WOOT.

Now what?

First things first, we were all HUNGRY. Hence, the only logical choice would be to fill our empty stomachs, to fuel the rest of our days.

Took lunch at The Loaf.

The food isn't bad. Though I didn't really get to try the pastry, all I had was the spaghetti. Frankly, not within my price range, I think it took out 1/3 of the cash I brought for shopping purposes.

Then again, didn't get much shopping done. Adjourned to ESPRIT after lunch. Browsed around but couldn't seem to find anything I fancied. Saw the trench coat again but nowhere near enough cash on hand this time, and it'll be a waste too.

I've all the things I need, more shirts than I wear and enough T-shirts. Tried on a pair of white pants, not my thing. Left empty-handed. ):

Browsed around some more.

I guess all we did was window shop from door-to-door. Frankly, it felt rather odd to shop since the main reason for the outing was for me and blondie to shop while everyone else just watched and browsed about.

Couple of hours later, just sat down at Boost Juice Bars to just kick back and relax. Sadly, they were out of Cookies&Cream. Couldn't try it. (But I got it a few days later when I headed down to Pavillion alone to get something) So still happy I tried. Not bad, but not really my thing. Haha.

That's about it I guess. Made our way home, well before 5pm.

I feel a need to improve my writing skills. Just saying so already feels redundant, no thanks to the countless amount of times I've reminded myself to brush up.

Didn't take many pictures, odd. Doesn't feel like me.

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