But no matter. Least I'm here now. :)
So the rendezvous point was set at McD, KK at 6:30AM, was it? After some delay we pushed off. My trip mates? Darren, Edwin Ooi, Jon, Joel, WK, Aly, Joy, Krystle, Kareshma. Pushed off roughly around 7AM in a van.
The journey there was rather uneventful, on my part. Just sat down with my iPhone playing in my ear while watching the road taken. Did I mention it was cold? The A/C was literally being blasted into me, and I left my jacket back in the trunk. Ah well. I 'screamed?' in joy silently when it was turned off as we began our ascent. To the top.
We're almost there.
The lobby of First World Hotel, our lodgings for the day.
So we settled down, got to the registering of our rooms and whatnot. Took our keys, dropped our luggage. You wouldn't want me to bore you with this right, why dwell on details? :D
Long story short, we unpacked.
Then headed off to the theme park. Only that it was only 8:30 in the morning, and the park ticketing place thingy only opens at 9:30, precisely an hour later. So what exactly does one do to kill time?
You WALK around. Explore the place. You can see how misty it is. My breath actually fogged up as I spoke. Yes, I was very fascinated with that. I kept trying to catch a shot of myself breathing out mist, to no avail I might add.
Can't see anything through this.
Found a local small park-like place to sit down and relax. It had this maze thing. Wk actually cried out "Help, I am lost," the very moment he stepped into it. Fail.
Well, someone seems to be enjoying himself.
There was this dude who helped us take our group shots. Though I admit he was very kind and helpful, I couldn't stray away from the thought that he was a little too kind and helpful, borderline creepy even. D:
An hour later, it's open!
Had a rather odd discussion while waiting for the tickets.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.... WE'RE IN!
The spinner, our first ride, a rather exhilarating one too, for the day.
Next up, a ride on the smaller coaster in the park, "Malaysia's First Roller Coaster" I quote from the signboard. It was a really short ride. REALLY SHORT ride.
With that said and done, time for something more fun.
GO KARTS! Not quite, wasn't our turn yet and the wait was rather long.
The girls queued up and had their turn first.
So instead, we (the guys) took off and tried out a ride close by.
The first drop, mindboggling. D: GARHH. Other than that, mehh. Note, sit at the front of back to really enjoy it. As in the FRONT / REAR MOST cart. Don't bother bout anything in between, not that big a thrill compared to the 2. I know, I've tried. Sat on the ride 3 times in fact.
We then went back for the Go Karts. The guys and girls switched rides, so to speak.
Highlight #1
We were observing the karts as they sped through the track at blazing speed, and noted down several carts to take (2,22,14, whatnot but not the point) and managed to pinpoint the SLOWEST cart among them. So we said "Eh, remember NOT to take Kart#17, it's dam bloody slow" When it was our turn, Jon managed to get Kart#14, the fastest one, parked next to #17. A quick glance to the left, he spotted WK in it. "Why you take that one? It's 17!" Wk's reply? "Huh?" LOL
Among the dudes, I finished second. Thanks to Edwin and Jon's collision at the corner of the track. Good Karts, Fail Driving. LOL
Pirate Ship coming up. Consider it a smaller replica of the one at Sunway Lagoon, and this one didn't go 360.
I chose to sit it out and carry luggage instead. Krystle sat this out too.
It was dubbed "worst ride ever" by Darren. Then again, WK and Jon's unmoving expressions of boredom throughout the ride did say the same. Sadly, nothing to look at in the opposite seat like back in Sunway. HAHA.
Everyone then went for this "haunted house" ride. Just looking at it, I sat it out too. Somehow knew that it'd be boring. True enough, 15 minutes later, Darren came out "Okay, I take it back. THIS is the worst ride ever" HAHAH.
Spent my waiting time trying to win this. So cute larhh! Couldn't get it. :(
Romantic boat rides anyone?
I pedaled till me feet hurt. We tried reverse parking the boat, failed miserably, cept for Jon. Edwin's one was most fail, he drove? across 3 docks trying to get his boat inside in reverse.
On to the next one!
I don't really know what they call this so I'll just call it the "spaceshot" is it? Details, details. Just look at this beast.
After an hour's wait, the guys are finally at the gates. Needless to say, I sat this one out too. I'm not one for plummeting from extreme heights. When it became misty, it became REALLY misty. I couldn't even see halfway up the tower. Just imagine how it must be like to be at the top, not being able to see a thing before WHOOSH, you're sent spiralling downwards.
The next few hours were spent relaxing at First World Plaza. Oh, did I mention that buying food up there is akin to daylight robbery? I kid you not. Well, for someone like me it did feel that way. RM13 for a plate of ordinary Chicken Rice. Standard price for that where I live? RM4. That's almost x3 the price. Just wow.
Played pool with BW and WK.
Dawdled a bit more at the park before returning. Went for more rides on the spinner and browsed the small stands for the games.
FINALLY I WON SMTH. Wasn't the seahorse I was yearning for, but it was nice nonetheless. :)
Back to the hotel! Freshened up and left for dinner. Chucked my prize back in the room so I didn't look that conspicuous walking about with it.
KFC, RM20. GARH. I'm officially broke yo'. The dudes went to play even more pool. For the first time ever, I think I might be sick of pool. I still have that on and off style of playing. Never consistent. I need practice yo'.
Club9 anyone? I wanna play more. 8D
Gathered at Aly and Joy's room after we got back. Talked, played stuff, had fun.
Highlight #2
Aly showed us her class shirt with her classmates photos on it. Edwin said "Hey this guy looks like Joel! Oh wait, he IS joel!" #fail
Monopoly Deal (Joel won without actually being there), then Mafia (which Joel also won when he was the Killer), Big2 (english name for it?) chor tai di (canto) la and also.. some other random card games I can't remember.
Highlight #3
Edwin and WK were both playing with the tv switch, oblivious to each other. Edwin was pressing P+ while WK was pressing P- (not exact buttons but those are the Astro remote counterparts for those buttons, to switch channel la). The tv kept showing "Channel 9" *blink* "Channel 9" *blink* "Channel 9" They looked at each other, saw what they were both doing, then LOLed. #megafail
The noobs.
Called it a day at 1AM, went back and slept. Really needed sleep badly.
Day 2?
Woke up reasonably early and headed down to our buffet breakfast. Somehow or rather, Jon and I were the earliest (again) and waited roughly 15 minutes for everybody else to come down. Why Malaysian time larh? :(
They had to put the coffee machine ALL THE WAY ACROSS the hall la! Took me so long to get there and painstakingly balance my coffee cup on the way back to our table. Why torment the coffee fanatic? :(
Went to get our movie tickets.
Finally I'm not one of those sad souls left out when a movie is released. :D
EVEN MORE POOL GARHH. This time I had my prize with me. Looked extremely conspicuous walking about with it. Well, checked out of the hotel already, had to carry it around.
To the cable car station!
Long way down.
The trip down the cable car took about 15 minutes, felt like forever to me though. The bus ride on the other hand was just under 30 minutes, we were back in 1U. Felt good. :))
Got back to KK around 6pm, and home by 6:30. Took a nice long nap.
That concludes today's post. I'll be going Genting again this coming Wednesday, this time with some of my Monash buddies. I know what to bring along though, FOOD.
Kinoc, out.
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