Thursday, September 15, 2011

Doodle #134

Sorry guys, it's been awhile. 4 days in fact!

Guess I'm losing my mojo for blogging again. :/ Hence, to make it up to you, I'll include PICTURES in this post! :D

I've been spending quite the number of Saturdays in uni, studying. Yeah, that's how I spend my weekends these days, buried in books. Though they're actually a pretty fun way to pass time, thanks to my fellow study mates, Joshua and Jean. Always providing much needed comic relief after a day of vigorous (mostly) studying. :D

I wouldn't say that we have the most productive sessions though. Far from it in fact. *sigh* Hahaha, though their antiques prompted me to edit a video I took that day. Made me revisit video editing. Maybe I should take that up as a hobby. Haha. Since I'm almost always the candid photog and video taker. :)

Though the cafeteria isn't exactly open on weekends, the only choice we have is LB. They have the most awesome take-out box. :D Indomee + Mochacino ftw.

Then there were the standard lectures on weekdays. I think it was Monday when I walked into class, and instantly saw this person:


I literally (not figuratively) stoned in place. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the first time in two whole semesters I've seen him dressed in that manner. He stole my style (main point), though that may be a good thing since it can mean my influence is finally seeping in. LOL.

Then of course, the usual classtime break entertainment session. Dance time! Video's with Dave. :D Roflmao. My frienddddddddddddd, and Joshua led the way. :O

The stressors for the week though? Definitely lab sessions.

Carefully weighing out the needed mass and whatnot. Solubility experiments are always a pain to execute. More so when it came down to calculations and discussions. The whole notion of dissolving x amount of drug in y amount of solvent still baffles me. *shrugs*

Gathered and listening to Dr. Wong's words of wisdom for the experiment. She's one of my favourite lecturers no doubt. Well.. One whose lectures I seem to understand pretty well. Hence, yeah. Her edited lecture slides are much better than the ever so bland Aussie slides (rofl).

Our pretty pH papers. I think they are just so cool. Much better than your average red to blue and blue to red papers. Assortment of colours! LOL. If only I could see colours better. Bah.

Jhii arranged them. :D


Yeah, my class has a Mojo Jojo, and all 3 powerpuff girls. So there's never any lack of entertainment.

All in all, Pharmacy's just awesome. :D

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