Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fire Drill

Yes, fire drill, in school, today. You know those drills where they expect you to run around in circles panicking cause the school's being burnt down *yay!* ahem I mean.. omg fire!. Of all the time the school could have done the damn drill, it was done during.. PJ TIME, wow and it hasn't even been 5 mins since it started. Zzz. It's been practically over a month since the past pj. Exams, hols, 2 weeks due to forum. It's been too long.

Of course there wasn't any real fire, just a whole mob of annoyed students, me being one of those students, and also teachers and some people from the fire department. I seriously don't get why we're all being... grouped, herded, any word of similar meaning, into the school field. What if the school field caught fire? Especially since the gate, which is like the logical way to run in case of an actual fire is located all the way at the other side of school. Field, dry, hot, under burning sun. Not a whole lotta place to run and a whole lotta people in the way.
Anyways, as usual not much people, in fact barely any bothered to take it seriously. Maybe if the school put up fake smoke or smth people might actually run through the drill properly. Did I mention how sucky it is to have this during pj time?

Got into line, blabla. Usual fire drill stuff. And as usual, Ash was a "victim" of the fire xD. LoL, well there were many "victims". And did I mention how hot it was? Then they got us to sit down in our lines. Well, obviously none of us would sit on the wet field which was also slightly muddy, so we just copied sc2, who sat on each other's shoes. Lol. Bottom line, it keeps your ass clean :D

And being the sometimes over observant for my own good me, saw a couple of things which made my blood boil. Guess it's jealousy, or whatever you call that sudden rush of anger towards your head. I think it happened twice. Bottom line, not good :S

And now, time to finish up fb-ing before gaming and etc.

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