Friday, July 16, 2010

Pain Is Just A Simple Compromise

Pictures frozen, she's closed the book..

To be alive, yet devoid of a soul.
To be happy, yet torn apart inside.
To be in one piece, yet in shambles.
To be thankful, yet wanting.
To be faithful, yet plagued with doubt.
To be loyal, yet tainted with treachery.
To see, to believe, to love, and to hate.

I hate rumours. Some people should stop sticking their noses where it doesn't belong, just because they think they're oh so popular when all they ever do is impose on other people, fabricating lies, instilling hatred and driving a wedge between others.

It's no point, when consequences, impact, effects, all spiral outta control. To be overcomed by the fear, a puzzling sensation. To lie, deceit, blame, spiral into the darkest regions of despair when the light is slowly slipping away from your grasp.

Love, the strongest of all human emotions. One that drives a person to go all out, beyond one's limitations. To push oneself to the very limit, all for the people that one loves most. To put the needs of loved ones beyond yourself. To be propelled by desire.. virtuous ones, a yearning for something greater.

But alas, it's also the emotion that's the easiest to taint. The driving force behind it can be rendered unstable at times, leaving it susceptible to malicious intent.

To sit alone, wondering just what might that someone be up to. When your day just doesn't feel complete unless you're able to see or talk to that someone.

It's the little things in life that really matters in the end. Not glory, not fame, not money, but just to have the people you love and adore around you, supporting you in every aspect in your life. To know they're there by your side, it's an emotional lust that's greater than any materialistic gift can ever satisfy.

Maybe it's just me and my awkward timing.
But this I know, the next week is gonna be a rough one.

My posts are sitting on a mere average at best. I need to find some way to buff up my English. Like seriously.

1 comment:

  1. love makes the world go round, in both bad and good way of course.. =)
