Saturday, January 22, 2011

Back Ups

Thought of the day : A chip on his shoulder, but there's no use crying over split milk.

"Always have up to a Plan D. Never expect Plan A to go off without a hitch." - Adam Savage.

We've all been through disappointments at least once in our ever so mundane lives. Be it the sudden shock of rejection or just a simple choice gone wrong, we go through it on a daily bases. If you think that your live is perfect and completely devoid of such dissatisfaction, I strongly suggest you reevaluate yourself. Cause nothing is ever really perfect no matter how ideal or faultless a situation may seem. If you still think so, you probably have a wolf in sheep's clothing hanging around you, people who lie through their teeth knowing they have your complete trust.

As a person who has completed his pre university year, you'd expect me to be fully aware of my direction and calling by now. You'd be mistaken cause I am completely clueless and oblivious towards any possible way. At this point in time, I've already missed the boat for every single February intake course out there. That's a lot of doors being slammed in my face. Right now it's a race against the clock as I fervently set back back up plans. It's a shame really, to have my primary course of action just derail like that.

Despite coming off as your average run of the mill person with a devil may care attitude when it comes to studies, I put a considerable amount of effort and attention into trying to make sure things went right, by my standard. I had gotten started way before most of my peers, about 6 months in advance to make sure my existence was known. I followed up adequately, adhering to proper procedures as I had gotten a phone call as a reminder. Yes, they actually called me up then and there and prompted me in a rather exasperated tone saying "Hello? You submitted your form right? How you expect us to do anything without your proper documents?? You still haven't gave us your SPM and IC". It was proof enough that I had done everything right so far. Certainly, I immediately responded and played my part then.

Months came and went and my performance was mediocre, above average at best. Yet, I pressed on, knowing that the true hurdle was yet to come. Sure enough, having lived through it, I had exceeded all my own expectations, let alone those that my peers had of me. I was back in the ballgame. Without a second thought, I hurriedly gathered the remaining items of importance needed to complete whatever I needed to complete. It was the sole item left on my checklist unaccounted for.

After the dust has settled, I am left here without direction. To see everyone pursue their dreams while I'm at a standstill really piques me. However, every impediment is but a new opportunity to learn and improve. To be contacted personally, I thank her for her compassion towards my predicament. It's heartwarming to know that despite all odds against my favour, I don't have to give up hope.

In the wake of the initial shock, I reevaluated the true driving force behind my resolve to keep myself on track. Maybe it was the prestige. A chance to live up to what was expected of me, to do my family proud. The notion of being respected tugged at my sentiments. Along with that came trust. A belief that this was the perfect option for me with nothing but success after all my endeavors. Then again, it could have just been the comfort and familiarity. To travel down a path trodden by many before me, a wellspring of knowledge and advice.

If this is my cloud, I shall look for my silver lining.

Bear in mind that I'm only voicing out my personal opinion. I'm not trying to pass the buck and dodge responsibility. Responsibility can't be placed individually, but as a whole. Loopholes were left and nobody realized them soon enough to plug them up. All I can do now is keep my chin up and hope for a miracle. Because nobody really knows what tomorrow brings.

Somehow, this particular setback has renewed my confidence. I have my friends to thank for that. Apart from that, any thoughts on Nutrition and Dietetics? I may really have to change my mindset and pathway if I get shook off yet again.

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