Saturday, January 29, 2011


As with my previous nonsensical tirades, Saturdays (and most holidays) are nothing but a tiring and mundane conundrum. Today was not one of those days, on most parts.

I don't think I ever wrote about this but some time ago I had watched Paranormal Activity at Jon's place. If I recall correctly, it was with Ash, Samuel and.. King Yang? Memory's a fuzzy haze (cliche' much?).

If you're wondering why I mentioned that, well I'm about to quell whatever doubt that may still be lingering in your minds.

I watched Paranormal Activity 2 today. If I go into the movie and whatnot, I'd probably be blamed for revealing spoilers and stuff. Now.. As intriguing as that may sound and appeal to me, I do not wish to do so. So I'll tell you this. The second movie is a prequel to the first and also finishes up where the first one left off. So in a way, the first movie plays out simultaneously during the near end of this movie.

As with the first, it started out really slow. It got super creepy and intense towards the end. I think I still have shivers just trying to recall the whole plot. Oh give me a break, I was never known for my valor and courage. In short, I'm a wuss. Lololol.

Creepy. REALLY CREEPY. Urgh.

Guess that's about it. Green Hornet tomorrow with Beng Way and a few other friends. Looking forward to it. :)

The four of us, we used to strut the hallways high and mighty. Now.. Look how far we've fallen. Do you still remember? I know I do. On second thought, do those without hearts possess memories?

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