Sunday, January 17, 2010

The illusion's my reality

I've been feeling kinda weird lately, or rather just today. If you focus on your goal, never lose sight of it. I have no idea why I thought of that line. Maybe it's kinda true, as long as you keep every inch of your focus onto that one goal, there is no way you'll ever be sidetracked. Put into a different perspective, I kinda twisted it into my own way of explaining things.

Sight's the most important factor, I suppose. Everytime it comes into view, the pain follows suit. As time goes on, the pain's been dulled by the lack of sight. I'm starting to go into that state again, oblivious to everything going on around me, wanting nothing more than what I once wanted. I suppose it makes sense, having sight gives you that sense, the ability to visualise and grasp the illusion of everyday life. Like bw once said, blablabla blind blablabla. Well, I wasn't really focused on what he was saying, only heard "blind" in it. Seeing that name kinda jolted something back into me.

Well, thankfully it doesn't hurt. I mean.. it does, just nowhere near as bad as it use to. So I guess I'll live. Haha. However, those 2 lines I said on that final day, and everything that happened that day last year will forever be etched in my livin' memory. You can deny it all you want, I know my mere presence is enough to disgust you. Actions speak louder than words, and I can see right through your deception. Put on a good face, then stab me in the back.

Yeah, I know I'm kidna being silly again. But hey, it's what I do. Perhaps this is my way of seeking comfort, by twisting reality into my own little safe haven where the truth is the way I want to see it.

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