Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sunway University College

is so awesome <3

It's already been my 2nd day as an official Sun-U student.. Feels kinda.. nice? haha.

Day 1~
The 1st day was okay. I went by bus, had to get up and be ready by 6.30 and get to McDonalds. The bus was going to be there sometime around 6.50. So yeah, had to get up friggin early. Earlier than when I was in secondary school. *shocked* From there it was about a 1 hour trip to Sunway. Without stopping at any stops.. "Why?" you ask?, cause there wasn't a single soul to be seen in any of them. The whole trip, the only passenger was.. me. :O! The driver said that usually the 1st day, most people would be following their parents, I suppose it was kinda like the 1st day of school all over again, only in college. So yeah, nobody but me.

I think I reached early, or rather, earlier than everyone else. Arrived at 8. Walked around doing absolutely nothing, inconspicously scanning the crowd for.. *wink wink* till Ben got there at about.. 8.40+? Then Beng Way and Chonek showed up round' 9. Then I spotted limau. Then Sam arrived. Gazi.. being his usual self, was the latest among us. Went to register for our respective courses 1st.

AusMat --> Me, Ben, Gazi, Chonek, Limau
A-Levels --> Sam
FIA --> Beng Way (feaaaaar)

The remainder of the day was spent listening to talks, talks talks and more talks. Then the AusMat group had to go take photos. :O

Then.. Muahaha. Rock Cafe! ROFL. For like.. almost 2 hours.

Day 2~
It was quite relaxing. This time I followed Bw to sunway. Although I still had to get up just as early and be at McD at 6.50 as well. So practically.. no difference. I thought I wanted to try on the new shirt I bought + new shoes. Turned out to be an awesome plan. While walking to bw's car. I slipped *woohoo* holding.. A cup of freshly made hot coffee. (precariously perched on top of my burger box). Doesn't exactly take the mind of a genius to figure out what happened next. *SPLASH* Boom! There goes new shirt and shoes. =.= Though I managed to get em washed once we got to Sunway. Bw mentioned the waiter was.. staring at me in disbelief. Well I'm sure you would have done the same if someone just friggin messed up the beautiful floor you just worked so hard to mop.

Meh, his fault for not moping it properly. Rofl.

Anyways.. Arrived around.. 7.15. Which was damn early, considering my programmes for the day only started at 10.30. Gawd I had hours to burn. Went to grab a bite at the food court nearby. *wink wink*, naw, no cc. It wasn't opened yet -.- who opens at friggin 7 in the morning?
Went back in, lepak-ed awhile, then bw left at about 8.30. Lucky him, FIA starts at 8.30. Good thing Ben already came as well. Followed him around for abit. Sam came but went straight for his a-lvls, they started at 9. 10 minutes after he got there. So once again, stone somewhere till Gazi came, damn late as usual. The 3 of us thought we'd try to go to the designated location for our activities early for a change. Walked all the way up to the 3rd floor, to find out we were on the wrong building =.=!! Went all the way back down, and what'd you know. Spotted Li Mei sitting near the.. err.. the place.. with alot of tables near the cafeteria.. The.. uhh.. lounge? LoL.
Waited for Chonek and Limei's friend to show up. (I forgot her name lol =x)

Went to NE 3.7 at 10.30. It was like.. an exam hall. I think. The size of 2 classrooms. And with all the seats taken, and a long line forming from front to back. We still had to go all the way back and squeeze in some corner. That's how many AusMat students there were. I'd say there was almost 200 :O. So yeah, we split into groups of 10 and went for a tour. "Okay, this group come, you'll be following.. Gabriel (I think) and Felicia. Yes, we LOLed.

The tour was.. hot. Which was 1 way to describe it, literally. Walked a circle before going downstairs.. just to go all the way up to the roof. THE ROOF IS THE AUSMAT FLOOR WTHHH
before going all the way back down to the lab areas. like WTHHH walking in huge giant circles. Then we went back up to the 3rd floor where we were shown where we were to meet up again later, "beside the dustbin" Hahah, if you don't get that, you were never meant to =)

WALKED ALL THE WAY BACK DOWN. Headed to "orange" for lunch. Lawls. Hung around till.. 12.20. We got off the tour early, bout.. 11. So our lunch took like.. 1 hour 20 mins? Went back to Sun-U.. Then Sam had to eat. So back to "orange" we went. Urgh~ Tiringgggggg.
Then.. ANOTHER TOUR LOL. Library this time :D

Finished round.. 2. Spent 2 hours + at Rock Cafe, then came home..

God I'm nervous, we're getting our timetables tomorrow. Garh! @@ Guess the fooling around ends here. Time to get serious.

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