Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sing Us A Song

Today feels like such a happy day :DDDDDDDDD

So yeah, Chem class canceled! Wooho- Ahem.. aww man, Why? I was so looking forward to spending 2 hours doing nothing but widening my knowledge in the field of Chemistry :P

How do you spend a sudden change in timetable and 2 hour free time? You go for lunch of course! Me, Marcus and Kelly met up with Prem, Gazi and Gazi's friends (I don't know their names =x) at "The Lunch Box". It was.. not exactly the best place I've ate lunch at.. but it wasn't horrible.
Kelly's drink. This is the after. I didn't manage to take the before :(
Marcus seriously look like he's dying from the sambal. LOL
Kelly and Marcus. :)

Phy lab after that and now.. HoN! Whoo!

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