Monday, September 13, 2010


We have ALL done it before at least once in our lives.

There's no point trying to deny it. To do so would be to lie. Nobody can claim to have never lied before, in fact I doubt that such a person actually exists. Lying is practically a way of life now, it seeps its way into every corner of society. It lingers around, becoming a norm. After all, it's all in a day's work to at least lie once a day. Twisting words of manipulation in order to fabricate a web of deception.

Why lie you ask?

People lie for all sorts of reason. They do so to keep the truth from people, as the saying goes "Truth hurts". Sometimes they just don't realise that being lied to hurts so much more.

"Truth hurts but lie's worse" from Broken Strings.

People have this notion that if they keep something hurtful away from a person, they'll spare him or her the pain of knowing. They don't want to be the one delivering the sorrow or sadness so they dodge responsibility.

I guess that kind of lie's a white lie.

Think about the times you were a kid and you had a household pet. Then one day, it goes missing and everyone tells you it went on 'holiday'. Being the kid you are, you sit around, patiently awaiting its return only to find out what really happened years later. There's no such thing as a holiday.

They lie, to assure that all's well. When everything goes the way they hoped, sure, everybody's happy for the time being. Until it slips. You know what's gonna happen next.

One wonders why are lies so believable. I suppose that as some people tell lies to protect others, there is also the people who trust lies to protect themselves. It's practically the opposite of being scared to hurt someone, you just don't want to hurt yourself, which is why lies are just so believable at times. You just hope for something so badly and when someone talks about it in a positive manner, honest or not, you just jump at it and swallow every word. It's kinda ironic that your own desires lead to your own downfall in the end as you fail to see truth within a network of lies.

"I don't like to tell lies to people. Sure I could, but then I'd go on and on and sooner or later it's going to get out of hand"

The snowball effect.
When you start lying, you'll just keep lying again and again. In the beginning, it could be any small matter, you'd probably think it's harmless. Before you know it, you'll start lying about every small matter and in no time, it'll snowball itself into one big unmanageable problem.

A problem created by your own two hands, or rather, your mouth.

It just isn't right to play along to someone's way of thinking if reality dictates otherwise. You can only shield that person for so long. The longer the ploy is kept up, the greater the backlash when reality catches up, shattering the illusion.

What matters is time lost. Nothing else.

But I guess sometimes.. Ignorance is bliss. The world is a much simpler place thanks to lies.

Be honest, it'll do everyone some good (:

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