Sunday, September 19, 2010


It was a long day, a very long day.

I got up at 8AM yesterday and got ready to leave for college. Yes, on a Saturday. Why, you ask? Well, I was never able to get anything done at home. Exhibit A : I'm slacking off right now watching HIMYM instead of doing work. So I figured it'd be way more productive for me to head on over to college to do some studying. After all, Sunway was barely 15 minutes away by car.

So I drove there and reached around 9, had my breakfast and headed over to the MZ in the library where I found Marcus. Tidied up my EAL/D parts and managed to get the graphic organiser done with a little help. Dawdled a bit with the computer while waiting for Mun and Watson. Once they were there, we got down to business, opened our books and started studying. Mainly for Chemistry as there was a test coming up next Tuesday. Studied from 11 till 1.

It was time for lunch then, we were joined by Marc's gf. Headed over to SS15's Jojo's Kitchen (I think that's what it's called) for some Pan Mee. I've been there once before with some of my Taylor-ian friends and the food is quite good. After lunch, got dessert at Snowflakes. AC was right across the street, so close.. yet so far. Of course, the others gave me that cold stare whenever I brought it up. LOL

Got back to college around 2-ish. Library was closed by then. :(

Found ourselves a class to study in for about 2 hours before we had to leave it. *glanced at watch ~ 4:30pm* Now what? Having almost no other place to study in college, we headed over to Sun-U and found the study room. Which was actually pretty nice to study in. Aircond. Hee :3 But by then we were all tired. Like really tired. The next 3 to 4 hours passed in a blurry haze.

Dinner at RC with Mun, Marc, Watson, Jack and 2 of their Ipoh friends.

Once again, it was a VERY LONG day. Yet strangely enjoyable.

Longest time I've spent in college since Velvet Auditions and Famine.

On a side note..

When you have nightmares like that, you know it's a sign.

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