Friday, September 10, 2010

Nothing Beats Surprises

Gathered for a 'surprise birthday party' for Kareshma yesterday evening with Jon, Hong Ye, King Yang, Edwin, Joy, Aly, Yen Khye, Joel, Naidu, Krystle, Natalie, Nabeel. Can't say it was much of a surprise. Not when everyone came in a total of 4 cars which stuck out like a sore thumb when Kareshma looked down the street on her way home.

Edwin, the noob. :D

So we gathered in a small room waiting to pounce on the ever unsuspecting birthday girl.

Still waiting for the birthday girl to get home.

The cake :)

All lighted and prepared to ambush Kareshma.
We all ran to the kitchen as she came back and went upstairs. I can't say it was the stealthiest of all surprises. We made quite the ruckus, especially Naidu who just couldn't contain her laughter when she tried to relight a candle. That not only blew out more candles, it blew away our cover too. True enough, Kareshma didn't really have a surprised face when we all showed ourselves. Maybe she was expecting it. :D

KAY EFF SEE! It's finger lickin' good!

Fear the Naidu!!!

From left : Natalie, Aly, Kareshma the birthday gurl, Naidu, Krystle and Joy.

So we decided to watch a movie next. We couldn't really decide on what to watch so we picked the one with the most interesting cover, Flight of the Living Dead. It had some screaming woman on the cover. Attention grabbing indeed. Of course, the girls were all against a zombie movie. So we flipped a coin, guess who won. :D

DIE DIE DIE DIE *anticipation*


Not so scared looks.
Zombie movies are so cliche'd. First, a lone zombie escapes imprisonment / comes back from the dead / etc. Then it starts a mini rampage of bloodlust, killing innocent civilians every now and then. Soon, the amount of zombies increase and start to spread panic among citizens. However, this time it was all confined to a small space of an passenger aircraft. Survivors or witnessness who were lucky enough to escape the onslaught after witnessing the cruel massacre of civilians by the flesh-eating deranged creatures all run haphazardly to anybody nearby trying to warn them of their impending doom but always stutter the same few lines.
"They're coming!"
"We're all gonna die!!"

"I don't know what it was but it wasn't HUMAN!"

"That THING killed everyone!"

I mean seriously, is it so hard to say zombie or does anyone else notice that NOBODY in a zombie movie has ever heard or seen a zombie before. I mean we know bout them through movies, but one wonders.. Don't they have zombie movies in the movie world itself?
So everyone dies / zombified but a select few as with every movie. And I kept seeing the SAME 5 zombies reappear OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! Even the original zombie who I swore I seen its dead get shot, blown up, whacked off by a putter, shot AGAIN just kept coming back, intact with seemingly godly powers of regeneration. Meh.
Of course, it ended with the plane crashing within walking distance of a nearby town. How convenient.

Went to mamak next. Whee.

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